1774. fame of all the other places where we made any flay ; for,
■K°v,:mbe,^. Mr. Wales, whofe abilities are equal to his affiduity, loft no
Wednef, 9. Qne obfervatiorl that could poffibly be obtained. Even the
fituation of thofe iflands which we palled without touching
at them, is, by means of Kendal’s watch, determined with
almoft equal accuracy. The error of the watch from Ota-
heite to this place was only 43' 39" | in longitude, reckoning
at the rate it was found to go at, at that ifland and at Tanna;
but by reckoning at the rate it was going when laft at Queen
( Charlotte's Sound, and from the time of our leaving it, to
our return to it again, which was near a year, the error
was 19j 3i”, 25 in time, or 40 5 ^' 4^ t tn longitude. This
error cannot be thought great, if we confider the length
of time, and that we had gone over a fpace equal to upwards
of three-fourths of the equatorial circumference of
the earth, and-through all the climates and latitudes from
o° to 71°. Mr. Wales found its rate of going here to be.that
of gaining 12", 3 7 6 , on mean time, per day.
The mean refult of all the obfervations he made for
afcertaining the variation of the compafs and the dip of
the fouth end of the needle, the three feveral times we had
been here, gave 140 9' 7 Eaft for the former; and 64° 36" 4
for the latter. He alfo found, from very accurate obfervations,
that the time of - high-water preceded the moon’s
fouthing, on the full and change days, by three hours ; and
that the greateft rife and fall of the water was five feet ten
inches and an half; but there were evident tokens, on the
beach, of its having rifen two feet higher than it ever did in
the courfe of his experiments.
V 0 Y A G E
T O W A R D S T H E ;
s o u T H p 0 L E,
R O U N D t h e w o r l d .
From leaving New Zealand to our Return to
C H A P . I.
The Run from New Zealand to Terra del Fuego, with the
Range from Cafe Defeada to Chrijltnas Sound, and Defer
ipt ion o f that Part o f the Coajl.
a T day-break on the 10th, with a fine breeze at ,774.
ƒ % W. N. W. we weighed and flood out of the Sound; ,Novembcr'.
/ % and, after getting round the Two Brothers, fleered Thuraay 10,
for Cape Campbell, which is at the S. W. entrance of the
Strait, all fails fet, with a fine breeze at North. At four in
the afternoon, we palled the Cape, at the diftance o f four or
five leagues, and then fleered S. S. E. 4 E. wnh the wind at
N. W., a gentle gale, and cloudy weather.
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