A yellow Fruit, like a large plumb, with'.
a rough core, - - - '■ A'vee. -
Full ,fitisfled with eating, Pya, f. Go'pya, f. 'Paya.
A Furunculus, or a Jmallhard boil, Apoo.
A Garland offlowers, A'vsatffo,f.A'rfft(tooE'fh9,apai»
Generality, benevolence, Ho'roa.
A Gimblet, - Eho'oo.
A Girdle, -. Ta'tooa.
A Girl, or young woman, . i - Top'itea-
A Girthing manufadlure, T atoo'y..
To give a thing, - Hoa'too.
A looking-Glzh, - - HeroVrota.
A Glutton, or great eater, Taata Idee, f; Era'poa nooo.
To go, or move from where you fland, to
•walk, - | Harre.
To go, or leave a place, - - Era'wa..
Go, begoine, make hafe and do it, Haro.
Go Ondfetch if, - Ate.
Good, it is good, it is very well, My'ty,f. My ty, tye, f. May tay.
Good-natured, - Mama'hoa, f. Ma'rca.
A Grandfather, . Too'boona.
A Great-grandfather, Tooboona tahe'too..
A Great-great-grandfather, Ouroo.
A Grandfon, Mo'boona.
To grafp with the hand, ■ - Hara'wai. '
Grafping the antagonists thigh when
dancing, ^Tomo.
I Grafs,
Grafs, ufed on the floors of their houfes, Ano'noho.
To grate cocoa-nut kernel, — E'annatehea'r«.
Great, large, big, Ara'ho/.
Green colour, Poore,poore.
To groan, - ■ - Eroo,whe. ■
The groin, - - T a'pa;
To grow as a plant, &c. - We'rooa.
To grunt, orflrain, - Etee.toowhe.
The blind Gut, - Ora'booboo.
The Guts of any animal, - A'a oo.
The Hair of the head, . E'roroo, f. E'rohooroo,
Grey Hair, - Hinna'heina.
Red Hair, or a red-headed man, - E'hoov-
Curled Hair, - Peepee.
Woolly or frizzled Hair, - Oe'toeto.
To pull the Hair, - E'woaa.
Hair, tied on the crown of the head, E'poote.
Half of any thing, - Fa'eete.
A Hammer, - - - Ete'te.
Hammer it out, - *■ - Atoo'bianoo.
The Hand, - ' E'rrnna.
A deformed Hand, ' Peele'oi.
A motion with the Hand in dancing, O'ne o'ne.
A Harangue, or fpeech, - Oraro.
A Harbour, or anchoring-place, - T odtou.
Hardnefs, - E'ta,e'ta.
A Hatchet, axe, or adze, - Toe.
He, - Nana.