riation to be i° Eaft. Latitude SS° longitude
125° 41' Weft. The variation after this, was fuppofed to
increafe.; for >on the 4th, in the morning, being in latitude
53° 21', -longitude 131° 3 1 'Weft, it was 3° 16' Eaft;
in the evening, in latitude 53° 13', longitude 1190 46' Weft',
it was 30 28' Eaft; and on the 5th, at fix o’clock in the
evening, in latitude 53° 8', longitude 1150 58' Weft, it was
4° 1' Eaft.
For more than twenty-four hours, having had a fine gale
at South; this enabled us to fleer Eaft, with very little deviation
to the North; and the wind now altering to S. W. and
blowing a fteady frefh breeze, we continued to fleer Eaft,
inclining a little to South.
TaeHay-6, On the 6th, had fome fnow fhowers. In the evening,
being in latitude 53° 13', longitude n i f f s ' , the varial
tion was 40 58' Eaft; and the next morning, being in latitude
58° 16', longitude 109° 33', it was 5° 1' Eaft.
wwr. 7. The wind was now at Weft, a fine pleafant gale, fometimes
with fhowers of rain. Nothing remarkable happened,
Friday 9. till the 9th, at noon, when being in the latitude of 53° 3/ ’
longitude 103° 44' Weft, the wind veered' to N. E., and afterwards
came infenfibly round to the South, by the E„ and
S. E., attended with cloudy hazy weather, and fome fhowers
of rain.
Saturday 10. On the 10th, a little before noon, latitude 540, longitude
io2° 7' Weft, pa fled a fmall bed of fea-weed. In the afternoon
the wind veered to S. W., blew a frefh gale, attended
with dark cloudy weather. We fleered Eaft half a point
Sunday n . North; and the next day, at fix in the evening, being in la-
° titude
Sunday 4.
Monday 5.
titude 33° 35'. longitude 95° 52' Weft, the variation was Dc'c^ ber_
90 58' Eaft. Many and various forts of albatrofles about ----------«
the fliip.
On the 12th, the wind veered to the Weft, N. W., and in Monday 12;
the evening to North; and, at laft, left us to a calm: That
continued till midnight, when we got a breeze.at South;
which, foon after, veering to, and fixing at, Weft, we fleered.
Eaft ; and on the 14th in the morning, found the variation Wednef. 14.
to be 130 25' Eaft, latitude 530 25', longitude 87° 53' Weft ;
and in the afternoon, being in the fame latitude, and the
longitude of 86° 3' Weft, it was 150 -3' Eaft, and increafed
in fuch a manner, that on the 15th, in the latitude of Tturfday 1;.
£3° 30', longitude 83° 23' Weft, it was 17° Eaft ; and the next
evening, in the latitude of 530 25', longitudè 78s 40', it was
17.0 38' Eaft. About this time, we faw a penguin and a piece
of weed ; and the next morning, a féal and fome diving pe- Friday 16.
terels. For the three laft days, the wind had been at Weft,
a fteady frefh gale, attended, now and then, with fhowers of
rain or haiL
At fix in the morning’ o f theuyth;- being nearly in the Saturday 17,
fame latitude as above, and in the longitude o f 77? 10' Weft,
the Variation was 18? 33' Eaft ; and in the afternoon it was
2i° 38', being at that time in latitude 530 16' S., longitude
75° 9' Weft. In the morning, as well as Yn the afternoon,
I took fome obfervations to determine the longitude by the
watch;, and the refults; reduced to noon, gave 76° 18'30"
Weft. A t the fame time, the longitude, by my reckoning,
was 76° 17' Weft. But I have reafon to think, that we were
about half a degree more to the Weft than either the
one or the other; our latitude, at the fame time, was
53° S.
Von. II. Z We