(liftillation. The melted ice of the fea was not only frelh bur
loft, and fo whojefome, .as to Ihew the fallacy o f human rea-
fon unfupported by experiments.. An ancient of great authority
had aligned; from theory, bad qualities to melted,
fnow ; and from that period to the prefent times, this prejudice
extending to ice had not been quite removed.
In this circumnavigation, amidft fleets and falls o f fnow
fogs, and much moift weather, the Refolution enjoyed, nearly
the fame Rate of health Ihe had done in the, temperate and
torrid zones. It appears only from the journalof the Surgeon,
that towards the end of the feveral courfes fome of the crew
began to complain of the fcurvy; but the difeafe made little
progrefs, except in one who had become early an invalid
from another caufe. The other diforders were likewife neither
numerous nor fatal, fuch as colds in various form, flight
diarrhoeas, and intermittents that readily yielded to the
Bark. There were alfo fome continued fevers, but which
by timely care never rofe to an alarming height. Much
commendation is therefore due to the attention and abilities
of Mr. Patten, the furgeon of the Refolution, for havingio w ell
feconded his Captain in the difcharge of his duty. For it
muft be allowed, that in defpite of the bell regulations and
the bell provifions, there will always be among a numerous
crew, during a long voyage,, fome cafualties more or lefs
productive of ficknefs; and unlefs there be an .intelligent
medical affiftant on board, many, under the wifeft commander
will perifh, that otherwife might have been .faved.
THESE, G e n t l e m e n , are the reflections I had to lay before
you on this interefting fubject; and if I have encroached
on your time, you will recollect-that much.of my difeourfe
hath been employed in explaining fome things butjufl mentioned
tioned by Captain Cook, and in adding other materials, which
I had procured partly in converfation .with himfelf, and
partly, after his departure, with thofe intelligent friends he
alludes to in: his Paper. This was my plan; which, as I
have now executed, you will pleafe to return your thanks to
thofe gentlemen, who, on your account, fo cheerfully communicated
to me their obfervations..
As to your acknowledgments to Captain Cook, and'your
high opinion of his deferts, you will’ beft teflify them by the
honourable diftindtion fuggefted by your Council, in pre-
fenting him with this medal: for I need not gather your
fuffrages, fince the attention with which you have favoured
me hath abundantly exprefled your approbation. My fatis-
fadlion therefore had been complete, had he himfelf been
prefent to receive the honours you now confer upon him.
But you are apprized that-our brave and indefatigable Brother
is at this inftant far removed from-us, anticipating, I may
fay, your wonted requeft on thefe occafions, by continuing
his labours for the advancement of Natural Knowledge, and
for the honour of this Society ; as you may be allured, that
the objeft of his new enterprize is not lefs great, perhaps
Hill greater than either of the former.
Allow me then, G e n t l e m e n , to deliver this medal, with
his unperilhing name engraven upon it, into the hands of
one who will be happy to receive that trull, and to know that
this refpedtable Body never more cordially nor more merito-
rioufly bellowed that faithful fymbol of their efteem and affection.
For if Rome decreed the Civic Crown to him who
faved the life of a Angle citizen, what wreaths are due to
that Man, who, having himfelf faved many, perpetuates in
7 your