A t O C A B U L A R Y OF T
lEew in number, - i~ Eote.-
To fight, - - - 1 i E'neottoV
A Fillip, -with the fingers, - _ — Epatta.
'The Fin of a fifh, - - " Tirra.
To finilh, or make an end, - - Eiote.
A Finger, - - E’roema. .
Fire, - - - - Ea'hai.
A flying Fifh, - Mara'ra.
A green flat Fifh, Eoame.
Ayello-w flat Filh, - Oo'morehe,
A flat green and red Fifh,, _ - ï • Par's«. .
The cuckold Filh, — Etata.
A Filh, - - - Eya.
Fifliing wall for hauling the feine at theJ
firft point, - - ^tipa.
A Fi üi pot, - -
A long Filhing rod of Bamboo, ufed to
catch bofiettoes, &c. -
A Fiflure, or crack, -
Fill:, to open the fijl, -
Fill, flriking-with the fijl in dancing,
Ajiie Flapper, or to flap flies,
Flatnefs, applied to a nofe, or avejjel broad )
and flat-, alfo a fpreadingflat topttree, J ^aPa‘
A re^Flefh mark, - - - Eoo'da.
To float on the face of the water, . Pa'noo.
The Flower of à plant, - •' - Posa.
Open Flowers, - - - Tooarre'oo wa.
Flowers, -white odoriferousflowers, ufed )
as ornaments in the ears, - A teeürre tarrroa.
Dahf/ere e'reupa.
Flown, it isfioicn or gone away, - Ma'ho&ta.
A Flute, - - - - Wee wo.
A black Fly-catcher, a bird fo called, O'mamäo.
A Fly,' - Poore'hooa.
To fly, as a bird, - E'rarre.
Fog, or mifl, - - -- - Ry'poeea.
To fold up a thing, as cloth, &c. - Fie'fetoo.
A fool, fcoundrel, or other epithet of 1
•cont,e mpJt, - jr Ta'oana.
The Foot, or foie of the foot, - Tapooy.
The Forehead, - - E'ry.
Forgot, or lofl in memory, - - Oo[aro.
Foul, dirty, nafly, - - Erepo.
A Fowl, - - - Möa.
Four, - - ' - ” E'ha.
The Frapping of a flute, - - Ahea.
Freckles, - • - - Taina.
Frelh, not fait, - . Eanna,anna.
Fridtion, rubbing,- — - - E'00 ee.
Friend, a method of addrefling a ftranger, Ehöa.
A particular Friend, or the falutation to
him, - \ a^a
To frilk, to -wanton, to play, - E'hanne.
From there, - - - - No,ro/ra, f. No.ro/da.
From without, - No,waho'os.
From before, - - - ■ No,msoa..
Fruit, - - - v - - 'Hoo'ero.
Perfume Fruit, from Tethuroa, a fmall 1
, 1 Hooero te manoo.
ijland, l
Vol. II. . X x _ ! A yellow