1775. which vegetates at fea. We continued to fee it, but always
, J“'y~ . in fmall pieces, till we reached the latitude 36°, longitude
30° Weft, beyond which fituation no more appeared.
Weiner. 0n the 5th of J«ly. in the latitude of zs° 31' 30" North,
longitude 40° 2 g Weft, the wind veered to the Eaft, and
blew very faint; the next day.it was calm ; the two following
days we had variable light airs and calms by turns; and,
Sunday 9. a t length, on the 9th, having fixed at S. S. W., it increafed
to a frefh gale, with which we fleered firft N. E. and then
E. N. E., with a view of making fome of the Azores, or
„ Weftern Ifles. On the n th , .in the latitude o f 36° 45' North, Tuefday Mv • _
longitude 36° 43' Weft, we faw a fail which was fleering to
Weine0.il! the Weft 5 and the next day we faw three more.
C H A P .
C H A P . XI.
A rrival o f the Ship at the I f and o f Fayal, a Defcrip-
tion of the Place, and the Return o f the Refolution to
AT five o’clock in the evening’of the 13th', we made the
Ifland of Fayal, one of the Azores, and foon after
that of Pico, under which we fpent the night making fhort
boards. At day-break the next morning we bore away for the
bay of Fayal, or De Horn, where, at eight o’clock, we anchored
in twenty fathoms water, a clean fandy bottom, and
fomething more than half a mile from the fhore. Here we
moored N. E. and St W., being direfted fo to do by the mafter
of the port, who came on board before we dropped anchor.
When moored, the S. W. point of the Bay bore S. 169 W. and
the N. E. point N. 33® E.; the Church at the N. E. end of the
town N. 38° W. the Weft point o f St. George’s Ifland N. 4a0
E., diftant eight leagues > and the Ifle of Pico, extending
from N. 74° E. to S. 46? E., diftant four or five miles.
We found in the bay, the POurvoyeur, a large French frigate,
an American floop, and a brig belonging to the place.
She had come laft from the river Amazon, where flie took
in a cargo of provifion for the Cape Verd Iflands ; but, not
being able to find them; Ihe fleered for this place, where {he
anchored about half an hour before us.
O o 2: As.
Thurfday 13*
Friday 14**