IS o r f O L K I s l e .
L a t ...............29 - 0 3 - 3 0 S .
L o n g i t ........1 6 8 . 1 6 . 00 'a> G n x r u r id i
N o te The Tricked. L ine shews the Ship's ’frock
k thcFipurct thefrepth o f Water inTathoms
S c a le o f M ile s .
; /* u & M * U 7 t? t7 7 fify7 W ,Stot/uorm2fcH’ Sfnet.SAoeLd, )',/, //<>! //.S u va ,/. /..-u/. u
evening, Mr. Cooper having ftruck a porpoife with a har- .
poon, it was necefiary to bring to, and have two boats out,
before we could kill it, and get it on board. It was fix feet
long ; a female of that kind, which naturalifts call dolphin
of the ancients, and which differs from the other kind of
.porpoife in the head and jaw, having them long and
pointed. This had eighty-eight teeth in each jaw. The
haflet and lean flefh were to us a feaft. The latter was
a little liverifh, but had not the leaft fiffiy tafte. It was
eaten roafted, broiled, and fryed, firft foaking it in warm
water. Indeed, little art was wanting to make any thing
frelh, palatable to thofe who hjd been living fo long
on fait meat.
We continued to ftretch to W. S. W. till the 10th, when, Monday l0.
at day-break, we difcovered land, bearing S. W., which on
a nearer approach we found to be an ifland of good height,
«and five leagues in circuit. I named it Norfolk Ifle, in
honour of the noble family of Howard. It is fituated in
the latitude of 290 2' 30" S. and longitude 1680 16' Eaft.
The latter was determined by lunar obfervations made on
this, the preceding, and following days; and the former,
by a good qbfervation at noon, when we were about three
miles- from the ifle. Soon after we difcovered the ifle, we
founded in twenty-two fathoms on a bank of coral fand;
after this we continued to found, and found not lefs than
twenty-two, or more than twenty-four fathoms (except near
the fhore), and the fame bottom mixed with broken ffiells.
After dinner, a party of us embarked in two boats, and
landed on the ifland, without at)y difficulty, behind fome
large rocks which lined part of the coaft, on the N. E.