Pick, to pick or chiife, - Eh«1 te mai my ty,
A large wood Pigeon, - Ero'ope.
A Jmall green and •white Pigeon, - Oo'oopa.
A J,mall black and white Pigeon,
purple wings, -
A Pimple, - Hooa'hoaa.
To pinch with the fingers, - Ooma.
A Plain, or fiat, - E'prrho.
Plane, Jmooth, - Pa'rra.
A Plant of any kind, - O'mo.
A fmall Plant, - ~ Era'bo.
‘The jrmt of the Plantane-tree, - Ma/r/a, f, Maya.
Horfe Plantanes, - - - F alee.
Pleafe'd, good humoured, not crofs orfurly,, Maroo.
Pluck it up, - - Arrête.
To pluck hairs from the heard, - Hoohootee.
To plunge a thing in the water, - E.oo'whrr.
The Point of any thing, - - Oe,oe, or Oi,oi.
Poifon, bitter, - - -■ Awa.awa.
^4 Poll, - - Oora'hoo.
Poor, indigent, not rich, - Tee'lee.
A bottle-nofed Porpoife, - - E'oaa.
Sweet Potatoes, - ~ Oo'marra.
To pour out any liquid fubfiance, - Ma'nro.
Pregnant, with young, - Waha'p 00.
To prefs, or fqueeze the legs gently with\
the hand, when tired or pain’d, -
Prick, to prick up the ears, g Eoma te ta'rrra.
A Prieft, - - ™. - Ta'hoaa.
3 Prone,'
Prone, or face downwards, T ee'opz.
A fort of Pudding, made oj, fruits, oil, &c. Po'po'rr.
Pumpkins, - A'h 00a.
To puke, or vomit, - E'awa, f. e'roo'y*
Pure, clear, . - - E 'oo'ee.
^4 Purging, or loofenefs, Hawa.hawa.
T3 purfue, and catch a perfon who has"
- Eroo.Eroo. f. Eha'
done Jome mifchiej> - }
To pulh a thing with the hand, Too rarr.
Put it up, or away, * - Orno,
Quicknefs, brijknefs, - - E'tirrei
To walk quickly, - - - Harre'noina»
Quietncfs, filence, a filent or feeminglyl |
thoughtful perfon, 3
A Quiver for holding arrows, 'Praha.
A fmall black Rail, with red eyes, Ma/ho, -
A fmall black Rail, fpotted and burred
S Pooa'nrr;
with whitey - H J
Rain, * E'ooa..
A Rainbow, * - - E'nooa.
Raft, a raft of bamboo, Ma/to'e.
Rank,^rong, urinous, Ewao wao..
A Rafp, or file, - - - * Ooee,