To cuff, or flap the chops, - E'parw. ■
Curlew,afmallcurlew or whimbrel'found )
about the rivulets, - - )
Cut, or divided, - Motoo,-
To cut the hair with fciffars,. O'tee,.
A Dance; - Heevn.
Darkn^fs, - - - Póee'ree, f. Pooo'ree.
To darn,.' - - » 1 O'ono.
A Daughter, - . ~ Ma'heine.
Day, or day-light, - - - Mara'mar-ama, CA'ouff.A'aou.
Day-break, - - Oota'tahez'ta,
Day, to-day,, - — Aoo'nai.
Dead, - - - - Matte roa;
A natural Death, - - - Matte nöa.
Deafnefs,., - T alreea, todree.
Decrepit",' - '* Epoo 'tooa.
Deep-water, - * Mona'.
A Denial, or refufal, - -j Ehoa'noa;.
To defire, or itsifls for a thing, Eooeéi:
^ Devil, or evilfpirit, - 1 — JL'tee.
Dew, Ahe'a oo:.
A Diarrhoea, or loofenefs, Hawa, hawa..
To dip meat in fait water infleadoffait-1 . (an Indian cuflomj, - - 2■ Fawee'wo..
Dirt, or naflinefs of any hind, E'repo.
Difapprobation, - - — Ehdonöa..
^Difeafe, where the head cannot beheld .
up, perhaps the palfy, - - 'rE'pfe.
-3S 4 To
To difengage, untie or loofen, - i Eaoo'wai.
Difhonefty, - - - - ■ Ef/a.
Difpleafed, to be difpleafed, vested, or in '
the dumps, ->
T are'va.
Diffatisfaftion, to grumble, or be diffatisjicd, F aoo'oue.
Diftant,far off', - Roa.
To diftort, or wreath the limbs, body,-)
lips, &c.
To diftribute, divide or Jhare out, AWha.
A Diftria, - Matr/na.,
A Ditch, _ - - - — Eö'hoo.
To dive under water, Eho'pos;-
A Dog, - - .. -■ ;i - Ooxee. ■
A Doll made of cocoa platts, — Adao'a.
A Dolphin, - - - A'oana;
Done, have done-, or that is enough, or'
i A'teera.
there is no more, - — 5
A Door, Oa'bodta..
Double, or when two things are in one-,
,, as a doUble canoe, -
Down, orfoft hair, - — E'waou.
To draw a bow, — Ëtëa.
To draw, or drag a thing by force, * Era'ko; ■
Dread, or fear ;■ - — Mattou.-
Drefs’d, or cook’d, not raw, . Ee'oo.
A head Drefs, ufed at funerals, Pa'rarr.
To drefs, or put on the cloatbs,-
To drink, -
Drop, a Jingle drop pf any liquid,
Yo drop,, or leak, - --
E«,hau'hodd t'Ahoo.
Eto’toorooj f. E'tootoos