here. For the natives knew them all by the drawings, and
had a particular name for each.
On the. 6th, wind at N. E., gloomy weather with rain. Our
old friends having taken up their abode near us, one of
them, whofe name was Pedero (a man of fome note), made
me a prefent of a ftafF of honour, fuch as the chiefs generally
carry. In return, I drefied him in a fuit of old clothes,
of which he was not a little proud. He had a fine perfon,
and a good prefence, and nothing but his colour diftinguifh-
ed him from an European. Having got him, and another;
into a communicative mood, we began to inquire of them
if the Adventure had been there during my abfence; and
they gave us to underftand, in a manner which admitted of
no doubt, that, foon after we were gone, fhe arrived, that
fhe ftaid between ten and twenty days, and had been gone
ten months. They likewife aflerted that neither fhe, nor any
other fhip, had been ftranded on the eoaft, as had been reported.
This affertion, and the manner in which they related
the coming and going of the Adventure, made me
eafy about her; but did not wholly fet afide our fufpicions
of a difafter having happened to fome other ftrangers. Be-
fides what has been already related, we had been told that
a fhip had lately been here, and was gone to a place called
Tera’to, which is on the north fide df the Strait. Whether this-
Rory related to the former or no, I cannot fay. Whenever I
queflioned the natives about it, they always denied all knowledge
of i t ; and for fome time paft, had avoided mentioning
it. It was but a few days before, that one man received a
box on'the ear for naming it to fome o f our people.
After breakfaft, I took a number of hands over to Long-
Ifland, in order to catch the fow, to put her to the boar, and
remove her to fome other place; but we returned without No'v” 4bcr-
feeing her. Some of the natives 0 - - ' ha■ d b# een there not long S>u—nday o.
before us, as their fires were yet burning; .and they had
undoubtedly taken her away. Pedero dined with us, eat of
every thing at table, and drank more wine than any one of us,
without being in the leaft affefted by it.
The 7th, frefh gales at N. E., with continual rain. Monday 7.
The 8th, fore-part rain, remainder fair weather. We put Tuefday s.
two pigs, a boar and a fow, on fhore, in the cove next without
Cannibal Cove; fo that it is'hardly poflible all the methods
I have taken to flock this county with thefe animals
fhould fail. We had alfo reafon to believe that fome of the
cocks and hens which I left here Hill exifted, although we
had not feen any of them; for an hen’s egg was, fome days
before, found in the woods almoft new laid.
On the gth, wind wefte'rly or N. W., fqually, with rain. In Wednef.g.
the morning, we unmoored, and fhifted our birth farther
out of the cove, for the more ready getting to fea the next
morning; for, at prefent, the caulkers had not finifhed the
fides, and till this work was done we could not.fail. Our
friends having brought us, a very large and feafonable fup-
plymf fifh, I bellowed on Pedero a prefent of an empty oil-
jar, which made him as happy as a prince. Soon after, he
and his party left the cove, and retired to their proper place
of abode, with all the treafure they had received from us. I
believe that they-gave away many of the things they, at different
times, got from us, to their friends, and neighbours, or
elfe parted with them to purchafe peace of their more
powerful enemies; for we never faw any of our prefents
after they were once in their poffefiion ; and every time we
vifited them they were as much in want of hatchets, nails,.