4 2 A V O C A B U L A R Y O F . T H E
lmmenfe, very .large, - Roa.
Inceft, or incefiuous, - - - Ta'wytte.
Indigent, poor, necejfitous, - Tee,tee.
Indolence, lazinefs, - ' - - Tee'py.
Induftry, oppcfed to idlenefs, - T aee'a.
Inhofpitable, ungenerous, - Pee'peete.
To inform, - - - - - E'whae.
A fort of Ink, ufed to punBuate, - E'rahoo.
An inquifitive tattling woman, - Maheine Opataieehu.
To interrogate, or afk quefiions, - F aeete.
To invert, or turn upfide down, - E'hoora, tela' why.
An Iflft, - - - ... - Mo'too.
The Itch, an itching of any fort, - Myro,
To jump, or leap, - Mahoata, f. Araire.
Keep it to yourfelf, — - - T aih.ee'o.
The Kernel of a cocoa-nut, Emo'teea.
To kick with the foot, - - T a'hri?,
The Kidneys, . - - - - Fooa'hooa.
Killed, dead, - Matte.
To kindle, or light Up, - Emaa.
A King, - - - - Eaw,da'h ai.
A King-fiflier; the birdfo called, - E'rooro.
To kifs, - E'hoee.
Kite, a boy s play-kite, - O'omo.
The Knee, - • - E'tooree.
To kneel, - - - Too'tooree.
A Knot, - - T a'pona.
A 'double
L A N G U A G E OF T H E S O C I E T Y I S L E S .. 343
A double Knot, i - - Va'hodoq.
The female Knot farmed on the upper 1 V
part tf.the garment, and on one fide, J 1
7o know, or underfiand, - - Eete.
The Knuckle, or joint of the fingers, Tee,poo.
Era'a, f. E'ara.
Ewha'eana, f. Ea'ortna.
T eltei.
Fe'nooa, f. Whe'nooa.
. Nooe.
Ma'horrta, f. A'rere.
E'wh eeoo.
Ete'raha, f. Te'poo.
To labour, or work, -
A Ladder, - - -
A Lagoon, -
Lame, cripple, - - -
A Lance, or fpear, - - ;
Land in general, a country, I
Language, fpeech, words, r
Language, ufedwhen dancing,
Large, great, not fmall,
Largenefs, when applied to a country, &c
To laugh, ,
Lazinefs, -
Lean, the lean ofmeat, - *
Lean, fender, not jlefhy,
To leap, -
Leave it.behind, let it remain,
To leave, - -
The Leg,' - -
Legs, my legs ache, or are tired,
A Liar, -
To lie down, of along, to refi one's felf,
To lift a thing up,
Day-Light, - s ~ ■
L ig h t