Next morning, the wind veered round by the Weft to
South, and forced us more to the Eaft than I intended. At
feven o’clock in the evening, the fnowy mountains bore- W.
by S., and Cape Pallifer North -f Weft, diftant fixteen or
feventeen leagues; from which Cape I, for the third time,
took my departure. After a few hours calm,. a breeze
fpringing up at North, we fleered S.. by E., all fails fet, with;
a view of getting into the latitude of 540 or 55°; my intention
being to crofs this vaft ocean nearly in thefe parallels^
and fo as to pafs over thofe parts which, were left unexplored
the preceding fummer.
Saturday«, In the morning of the 12th, the wind increafed ma fine-
gale ; at noon-we obferved in.latitude 430 13' 3c/! S., longitude
176° 4 1 'Eaft; an extraordinary fifli of the whale kind was
feen, which fome called a fea monfter. I did not fee. it m y
felf. In the afternoon, our old companions the pintado-
peterels began to appear.
Sunday 13. On the 133b, in the morning,, the wind veered' to W. S. W.
At feven, feeing the appearance of land to the S. W., we
hauled up towards it, and foon found it to- be a fog-bank.
Afterwards we fleered S. E. by S. and foon after faw a feal.
At noon, latitude, by account, 4.4.° 25', longitude 1770 qi'
Eaft. Foggy weather, which continued all the afternoon-
At fix in the evening the wind veered to N. E. by N.,. and
increafed to afrefligale, attended with.thick hazy weather.;,
courfe fleered S, E. 4 S.
Monday r4. On the 14th, A. M., faw- anotherfeal. At. noon,, latitude
45° 54*> longitude 177° 29' Eaft.
Tuefday r5. Qn the ryth,. A. M. the wind veered to the weft ward ;
the fog cleared away, but the weather continued cloudy- Ar
Friday 11.
noon, latitude 470 30', longitude 178° iq' Weft; for, having >774-
. November.
pafTed the meridian or i8o° Eaft, I now reckon my longi- <— v-—j
t-ude Weft of the firft meridian, viz, Greenwich. In the
evening heard penguins, and the next morning faw fóme Wednef. 16.
Tea or rock-weed. At noon a frelh gale ' from the Weft and
fine weather. Latitude obferved 49'0 33'', longitude 175" 31'
Next morning frefti gales and hazy weather; faw a feal Thui™a)’ **•
and fev-eral pieces of weed. At noon, latitude 5-10 i2J, longitude
X73P' 17/ Weft. The wind veered to the North and;
N. E. by N., blew a ftrong gale by fqualls, which fplit an old
top-gallant fail, and obliged us to double-reef the top-fails ; •
but in the evening the wind moderated, and veered to W. N.
W., when we loofed a reef out of each topfail; and found I
the variation of the compafs to be 90 52' E., being then in the
latitude 51° 47', longitude 1720 21' W. and the next morning Friday is.--
the 18’th, in the latitude o f 52° 2-5', longitude 170° 45' Weft, it
was io°„26' Eaft. Towards noon, had moderate but cloudy
weather, and a great fwell from the- Weft r fome penguins
.and pieces “of fea-weed feen.
On the- 19th, fleered E. S. E.,_ with a very frefh gale- at ^ ^ y ,,^.
North, hazy dirty weather. At noon, latitude 530 43', longitude
166° 15 'Wèft.
On the 20th, fleered E. by Si, with a moderate breeze at’Sunday
North, attended with thick hazy weather. At noon, latitude
540 8', longitude 162° 18' Weft.
On the 21ft, winds moftly from the N. E., a frefti gale at- Monday 1 L-
tended with thick, hazy, dirty weather, Courfe S. E. by S.;
latitude, at noon, 53? 31', longitude 160? 29'; abundance of
blue peterels and fome penguins feen.
Frelh ?