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S24 A V O C A B U L A R Y OF T H E
Anfwer, an anfwer to a queflion, OoWa.
1 Ilf! Approbation, or confent,. Madoaho'why.
IHll iy$3 PunBmted Ar-ches on thehips, E'var're.
The Arm, - Rzraia.
The Armpit, - E'e,
An Arrow, - E'oome.
Arrow, the body o f an arrow or reed, O'wha.
The point of an Arrow, To'ai,l. O'moa..
it M fimlat' Afliamed, to be ajhamed or confufed, Ama, f. i L ama.
U p A (bore, or on jhore, - - - Te Euta.
To alk for a thing, - - I lo'my, f, Ha'py my.
Afperity, roughnefs, - Tarra, Tarra.
| | ( I An Aflaffin, murderer or rather man-
^Taata, toa. H ill killer,foldier, or •warrior, ---. r
An Afiembly, or meeti/ig, Lterz/rsja.
Atherina, ' - A'aaiheu,.
Avaricious, parfmonious, ungenerous, Pee'peere.
Averle, unwillingnefs to do a thing, - - Fata,, hoito' bait®-
Authentic, true, - Earou, mou.
'ilifllw Awake, not afleep, - Arraarra' f. E'ra.
Awry, or to one fide •, as a wry neck, (Na'na.
| | | 1 An Axe, hatchet; or adze, Toe.
Ay, yes-, an affirmation, At.
1 1 1 B.
A Babe, or child, - - - Mydidde.
A Batchelor, or unmarriedperfon, TL'evee ( taata.
- The Back, - Toon.
To wipe the Backfide, Fy'r00, too'ty.
Bad, it is not good, - - - 'Ee'no.
ul Bag
A Bag qffiraw, - Ete'oe, f. Eate.
Bait, for fijh, - - - Era'eanoo.
Baked in the oven, - JLtoonoo.
Bald-headed, - - Oapo'baota..
Bamboo, - Eenee'ou.. .
A Bank,, or Jhoal, E'paa..
Bare, naked, applied to a perfon
that is \
| Ta'turra.
The Bark of a tree, - Ho'hore.
Barren land, - ■ - Fe'nooa Ma'oare;
A large round Balket of twig, - He'na. -
A fmall Balket of cocoa leaves, Vaz'hee.
A long Balket of cocoa leaves, - Apo'azra.
A Balket of plantain fiock, - - Papa'JVLtzeea..
- Er're'vy.
A round Balket of cocoa leaves, - Mo'ene;:
■ A Ballard, - - - - Fanna too'aeei-
Baflinado, to baftinade or fiog aperfon, T apra'haz.
To bathe, - - Ob'oo.
A Battle, or fight, - E'motto.
A Battle-axe, - - - O'morre.
To bawl, or cry aloud, - Te/mo'toro.
A bead, - Poe.
The Beard, - Oome «»me.
To beat upon, or flrike a thing, - Too'py or Too'bzee.
To beat a drum, | - - Er oo'koo.
To beckon a perfon •with the hand, Ta'rappe.
A Bed, or bed-place, - - E'roee, f. Moi'a.
To bedawb, or befpatter, - Par'ry.
A Bee, - - E'rao.
A Beetle, - - - - Pffre'tete.