Odoriferous, fweet fuelled, - No nöa.
Perfumed Oil they put on the hair, Moftöe.
An Ointment plaifter, or any thing that
heals or relates to medicine,
Old, - - Ora'wheva,
One, - - A'tahai.
Open, clear, fpacious, - Ea'tëa..
Open, not Jhut, Fe'rri.
To open, - Te'haddoo.
Oppofite to, or aver againff, Watoo'whritte. -
Order, in good order, regular, . with-
> Wara'wara.
out confufiariy - )
Ornament, any ornament for the ear, T ooee to!tees..
Burial Ornaments, viz,Nine no its ftuck
{■ Ma'rav Wharre.. ■
in the ground, - - )
An Orphan, Oo'hoppe,. poo'din.
Out, not in, not within, Triwe'ho.
The Ou tfide of a• thing, Oodpee. .
An Oven in the ground, ’Eloemoo.
Over, befides, more than the quantity, T e'harra.
To overcome, or conquer, E'ma'ooma.
To overturn,, or overfet, Eha'paao.
An Owner, - E'whattoo.
A largefpecies of Oyfter, I'trea.
The large rough Oyfter, or Spondylus, Paho'öa..
The Paddle of a canoe, or to. paddle, E'höe,
To paddle a canoe’s head to the right, . .W-ha'tea.
To paddle a canoe's head to the left, Wemma,
Pain, or, forenefs, thefenfpofpain, Mahny.-
A Pair or two of any thing together,. Ano'ho.
The. Palate, E'ta'riea.
The Palm of the hand, - , - Apoo'r®ma.
To pant, or breath quickly, - - Oo'pou(pou,tea'ho.
Pap, or child,’sfood, - - - Mamma.
A Parent, - - - Me'dooa.
A fmall blue Parroquet, - - 'E'yeenee. ,
A green Parroquet, with a red forehead, E'a'a.
The Part below the-tongue, - Eta'raro.
A Partition, divifion offcreen, - Paroo'roo.
A Pafs, or Jlrait, - E,aree'ea.
A fermented Pafte, of bread, fruit, and
others, -
A Path, or road, - -
The Pavement before a hoife or hilt,. ..
A 'Pearl,. - - - . -
.Pöe. „
The Peduncle, andjlalk of a plant, -
A'mäa, f. E'atta.
To peel, or take the [kin offa cocoa-nut, &c. A'tee, f. E'atee.
Peeled, it is peeled, - - - - Me'ate..
A Peg- to hang a bag on, - - Te'aoa.
A Pepper-plant, from the root of which l
they prepare an inebriating liquor, *
- Perhaps, it may be fo, - - . E'pa'ha.
Perfons of diftinblion, - • Patoo'nehe.
A Petticoat of plant ane leaves, __ Arou'nWo<?a„,.
Petty, fmall, trifling, appofed to Npoe, Ree.
^Phyfician, orperfon who attends theftclt, Taata no E'rapaoo.
i ' -Pick,