A n account, o f the difcovery o f fe v e ra l iflands, an interview and
Jkirmifh w ith the inhabitants upon one o f them. The arrival o f th e
f l i p at Tama, and the reception w e met with there. 3&
C H A P . V.
An intercom,fe eftablifhed with the natives; fame account o f the, i f and,,
and a variety, o f incidents that happened during our f a y at it. 53,
C H A P . VI.
Departure from Tanna ; w ith fame account i f its inhabitants, theiv.
manners and arts. 75,
C H A P . VII.
The furvey o f the iflands continued, and a. more particular defcription-
i f them. ' 85;
A n account o f the difcovery o f f e w Caledonia, and the incidents tha t
happened while the fh ip lay in Balade. 1.03.
. • C II A P. EX.
A defcription o f the country and its in h a b ita n ts th e ir manners, cufloms•
and arts, 1Lg
C H A P . X.
Proceedings on the Coafl f New Caledonia, w ith geographical and
nautical obfervations. . 128
C H A P . XI.
Sfqud o f the paffage• from New Caledonia to New Zealand, w ith an
account o f the difcovery o f Norfolk I f and'; and the incidents-that
. happened while the fh ip lay. at Spueen Charlotte's Sound. ■ 146
From leaving New Zealand to our Return to England.
C H A P . I.
The run from New'Zealand to Terra del Fuego, w ith the range from
Cape Defeada to Chrifimas Sound, and defcription o f that part o f
the coafl.- 1 I ^3
C H A P . II.
TranfaHions in Chrifimas Sound, with an account o f the country and
its inhabitants* 177
Range from Chrifimas Sound,, round Cape Thorny, through Strait L e
' Maire, and round Staten L a n d ; w ith an account o f the difcovery o f
a harbour in that i f and, and a defcription o f the coafts. l8SC
H A P . IV.
Obfervations, geographical and nautical, with an account o f the iflands
■ near- Staten Land, and the animals found in them. 198
C H A P . V .
Proceedings-after leaving Staten Land, w ith an account o f the difcovery
o f the Iffe o f Georgia,, and a defcription o f it. . 207/
C H' A P. v r ;
Proceedings after leaving the I f e o f Georgia, and an account o f the
difcovery o f Sandwich Land; with feme reafons f o r there being;:,
land about the South Pole.
6 G H A W