of the fhore were traced out by guefs, except the N. E. part,
where there is anchorage half a mile from the land.
Aurora, Whitfuntide, Ambrym, Paoom, and its neighbour
Apee, Threehills, and Sandwich Iflands, lie all nearly under
the meridian of 167° 29' or 30' Eaft, extending from the latitude
of 140 51' 30", to 170 53' 30".
The iiland of Aurora lies N. by W. and S. by E., and is
eleven leagues long in that direction; but, I believe, it
hardly any where exceeds two or two and an half in breadth.
It hath a good height, its furface hilly, and every where
covered with wood, except where the natives have their
dwellings and plantations.
Whitfuntide Iile, which is one league and an half to the
South of Aurora, is of the fame length, and lies in the
diredtion of North and South, but is fomething broader than
Aurora Iiland. It is confiderably high, and clothed with
wood, except fuch parts as feemed to be cultivated, which
were pretty numerous.
From the fouth end of Whitfuntide Iiland to the north fide
of Ambrym is two leagues and an half. This is about
feventeen leagues in circuit; its ihores are rather low, but
the land rifes with an unequal afcent to a tolerably high
mountain in the middle of the iiland, from which afcended
great columns of fmoke; but we were not able to determine
whether this was occaiioned by a volcano or not. That it
is fertile and well inhabited, feems probable from the quantities
of fmoke which we faw rife out o f the woods, in fuch
parts of the iiland as came within the compafs of our fight;
for it muft be obferved, that we did not fee the whole of it.
We faw ilill much lefs of Paoom and its neighbourhood. AI774,J
I can fay no more of this iiland than that it towers up to a <--- ,—
Wcdncf, 34 great height in the form of a round hay-ftack ; and the extent
of it, and of the adjoining iile (if there are two), cannot
exceed three or four leagues in any direction; for the dif-
tance between Ambrym and Apee is hardly five ; and they
lie in this fpace, and Eaft from Port Sandwich, diftant about
feven or eight leagues.
The iiland of Apee is not lefs than twenty leagues in circuit
; its longeft direction is about eight leagues N. W. and
S. E .; it is of confiderable height; and hath a hilly furface
diverfified with woods and lawns, the Weft and South parts
efpecially ; for the others we did not fee.
Shepherd’s Iiles are a group of fmall ones of unequal fize,
extending off from the S. E. point of Apee about five leagues,
in the direction of S. E.
The iiland Threehills lies South four leagues from the
coaft of Apee, and S. E. ™ S., diftant feventeen leagues, from
Port Sandwich : to this, and what hath been already faid of
it, I ihall only add, that W. by N., five miles from the Weft
point, is a reef of rocks on which the fea continually
Nine leagues, in the direction of South, from Threehills,
lies Sandwich Iiland. Twohills, the Monument, and Montagu
Iflands lie to the Eaft of this line, and Hinchinbrook to
the Weft, as alfo two or three fmall iiles which lie between
it and Sandwich Iiland, to which they are connected by
Sandwich Iiland is twenty-five leagues in circuit; its
greateft extent is ten leagues J and it lies in the direction of
O 2 N. W.