tlie only specimen o f it yet brought to Europe is that from which our figure is copied.
It was taken near Pekin, by a gentleman in the suite o f Earl Macartney, in the embassy
to C h in a ; and was originally in the possession o f Mr. Francillon, o f London, who kindly
permitted drawings and descriptions to be made o f this and every other insect in his
magnificent collection that could enhance the value o f this publication. It is still so
rare that M. Boisduval states that he had never seen a specimen o f it.
P apilio Telamon bears a distant resemblance to P . Protesilaus, but a much stronger
to P . Ajax : pursuing then the metaphorical method o f arranging the butterflies in the
Linnman manner, the name o f the father o f Ajax, who was one o f the distinguished
Grecian Princes at the sieg e o f T roy, has been giv en to this species.
P la te 2 6 . fig. 2.
C h . S p . P . alis nigris v irid i-m ao u k tis , posticis b rcvite r c au d a tis, liis subtus ocello lu n a to ma-
culisque ru b ris. E x p an s . a la r. 3^ u nc .
p . with th e wings b la ck a n d sp o tted with p a le gre en, th e p osterior p a ir with sh o rt tails
a n d orn am en ted b en e a th with a lu n a te eye le t a n d red spots. Ex p an sio n o f th e
wings 3 J inches.
S y n . Pap ilio A g am em n o n , L in n . S y s t. N a t . 2 . p . 748. F a b r . E n t . S y s t . 3. 1. p . 33.
E jic. M e th . IX . p . 4 6 . B o isd u v a l L ep . 1. p . 230.
Pap ilio jE g is tu s , Crame r, 106. C .D . ( c o r r e c te d ,p . 151.)
Papilio Agamemnon is found in several parts o f Asia (China, Bengal, Java, the
Moluccas and Philippine Islands, Manilla, Timor). The under side is beautifully adorned
with a number o f bright green spots o f various sizes. The general colour is pale pink,
diversified with shades o f chestnut brown. The upper side is much plainer ; the general
colour is black, except the spots, which are green, and precisely agree in shape with
those on the under side. Dr. Horsfield has figured the transformations o f this insect
(Lepid. Javan, pi. 4. f. 12), the larva is short and thick, with a forked t a i l ; the chrysalis
has the head very obtuse. This species is the typ e o f Dr. Horsfield s second section of
the genus, having the club o f the antenna oval and compressed.