P R E F A C E .
of the eastern parts of India. These are, tlierefore, doubtless the inhabitants
of the immediate neighbourhood of Canton, whicli lies in tlie same degree of
latitude with Bengal. A valuable addition has indeed been made to our
knowledge of the entomological productions of Mongolia, and some of the
adjacent northern portions of China, by M. Faldermann’s publication* of the
Coleopterous insects brought from those regions by M. Bungius; from which
it would appear that the entomological productions of such portions of China
as lie between 40" and 50" of north latitude are quite unlike those of the
neighbourhood of Canton lying beneath the tropic of Cancer, bearing, indeed,
a far greater resemblance to those of central Russia. I t is to be hoped
that M. Faldermann will speedily publish the descriptions of the species
belonging to the other orders of insects brought from this interesting portion
of the globe.
J . O. W.
* Coleopte rorum a b illustriss. Bongio in C h in a boreali, Mongolia e t m ontibus Altaicis collect, e t a b illu str.
Turczatnnoffio e t Sich u ck in o e provinc ia Irk u tz h missorum. (In Mem. Acad. Im p e r. d e s 'S c ie n c e s de
S t. P e te rsb o u rg , Tom. 2. 1835.)