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C A R E X ftrigofa.
Loofe Pendulous Carex.
MONOECIA Triandria.
Gen. Char. Male, Catkin imbricated. Cal. of
i fcale. Cor. none. Female, Catkin imbricated.
Cal. o f i fcale. Cor. none. Stigmas a or 3.
Seed clothed with a fwelling tunic.
Spec. Char. Sheaths elongated, nearly equal to the
flower-flalk. Spikes flender, loofe, a little drooping.
Fruit lanceolate, triangular, ribbed.
Syn. Carex ftrigofa. Hudf. 4 1 1 . Gooden. Tr. of
Linn. Soc. v. 2. 160. 1. 20. f . 4. Sm. FI. Brit. 982.
With. 96. Hull. 206. Sibth. 30! Abbot. 205.
Gramen cyperoides polyftachyon majufculum lati-
folium, fpicis multis longis ftrigolis. Rail Syn. 419.
V-L EW botanifts have feen thi.s Ca.rex i.n its. native places of
growth, yet it is to be found in woods or groves in feveral
parts of England, as Effex, Oxfordfhire, and Bedfordthire;
alfo in Hedenham wood, Norfolk, where Mr. Stone firft dif—
covered it many years fince. We are obliged for our fpecimen
to the Rev. Mr. Hemfted of Bedford. It flowers in April or
Root fibrous, perennial as in every known Carex. Stem ere£t,
flender, 2 feet high, leafy, triangular, fmooth. Leaves light-
green, broadifti, thin, rough on the edge and midrib. Brafteae
like the leaves, fliorter than the ftem, each with a flieathing
bafe, which is nearly as long as the flowerftalk it embraces,
and is crowned by a tubular membrane analogous to the fti-
pulae. Female fpikes 4, 5, or more, on capillary ftalks, flender
and Toon drooping, loofe, that is, compofed of ftraggling or
diftant flowers. Male fpike terminal, folitary, erect. Glumes
ovato-lanceolate, green, edged with white. Stamina and ftigmas
3. Fruit lanceolate, triangular, acute, but not beaked, a little
recurved, ftrongly ribbed, fmooth, green. Seed elliptical,
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