C A R E X paludofa.
Lejfer Common Carex.
M 0 NQEC1A Triandrid.
Gen. Char. Male* Catkin imbricated. Cal. o f 1
fcale. Cor. none. Female, Catkin imbricated.
Cal. o f i fcale. Cor. none. Stigmas 2 or 3* Seed
clothed with a fwelling tunic.
S p e c . C h a r . Spikes cylindrical, bluntifh, eredt 1
the female with awn-pointed fcales ; the male
with blunt ones. Fruit elliptical, notched.
Syn. Carex paludofa. Gooden. Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. 1 .
202. Sm. FI. Brit. 1002. With. 108. Hull. 209*
C. acuta. Curt. Lond.fafc. 4. t. 61. Hudf. 413, y.
Gramen cyperoides minus* angufiifolium. DHL in
Bait Syn. 418.
W e have already alluded to this Carex in defcriblng the
riparia and the acuta in our 9th volume, t. 579 and 580. It
is found in watery places, like them, and is full as common
as the latter at leaft, flowering in May. The root is perennial,
creeping to a great extent.
Mr. Curtis, with well-founded exultation, expatiates on the
circumftances which led him to diftinguifh thefe three fpecies,
previoufly huddled together by the generality of Botanifts as
varieties, and we have found his remarks perfectly juft. The
lefs {lender and more ere£t form, but efpecially the 3 ftigmas,
clearly diftinguifh this plant from the acuta. From the riparia
it is known by its blunt, more triangular, and brighter-coloured
male fpikes, with obtufe and not pointed glumes. It is by
miftake we have defcribed the male fpikes and their glumes
in riparia, p. 579, to be fometimes blunt. The glumes of the
female fpikes of paludofa taper to a point. Its fruit is elliptic-
lanceolate, fmaller and lefs inflated than that of riparia,