C A R E X remota.
Remote Carex.
M 0 NO EC I A Triandria.
ta-EN. Char. Male, Calkin imbricated. Cal. o f 1 tcale.
Cor. none. Female^ Catkin imbricated. Cal. of
1 fcale. Cor. none. Stigmas 2 or 3. Seed clothed
with a fwelling tunic.
S pec. ChAr. Spikelets Iblitary, remote, androgynous,
nearly feffile, Bradteae very long, furmounting
the ftem. Seed-tunic almotl entire.
S y n . Carex remota. Linn. Sp. P l. 1383. Sm. FL
Frit. 96 g. Gooden. Tr. o f Linn. Soc. v. 2. 130.
Hudf. 407. With. 88. Hull. 203. Relh. 351.
Sibth. 28. Abbot. 203.
C. axillaris. Linn. Sp. PI. 1382.
Gramen cyperoides anguftifolium, tpicis parvis fef-
iilibus in foliorum alis. Ran Sjn. 424.
A N A T IV E of moift groves, and banks of ditches in.
lhady filiations, not unfrequent, flowering in May and June.
Root fibrous, [perennial. Plant flender and weak, of a pale
\vhitifh greeiy. Stem about a foot high/ triangular, and
tough upwards, fmooth and roundifh below, leafy. Leaves
long and narrow, rough at their edge. Spikelets alternate,
folitary, 6, 8 or more, ovate, androgynous or compofed of male
and female flowers; 3 or 4 of the lowermoft are very diftant,
and each is accompanied by a very long upright leafy' braftea,
taller than the top of the ftem; the upper fpikelets are more
approximated, and have very fliort bractere. The male flowers
ftand below the female in every fpikelet. The glumes are ovate,
membranous and white at the edge, green at the back, with a
keel turning brown as they advance in age. Fruit ovate
pointed, ere6t, longer than the glumes, roughith at the edge in
the upper part, generally entire at the orifice. Seed lentil-
fhaped. Stigmas two.
C. axillaris of Dr. Goodenough differs in having' cluftered
' fpikelets and cloven feed-cafes. The original axillaris of
Linnams is no other than the remota adopted from Plukenet, &c.