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C A R E X ftellulata.
Little Prickly Carex.
M 0 NO EC I A Triandria.
Gen. Char. Male, Catkin imbricated. Cal. o f i lcale.
Cor. none. Female, Catkin imbricated. Cal. o f
i fcale. Cor. none. Stigmas i or 3. Seed
clothed with a fwelling tunic.
- Spec. Char. Spikelets three or four, remote, androgynous.
Fruit divaricated, with an elongated
undivided beak.
Syn. Carex ftellulata. Gooden. Tr. of Linn. Soc.
v. 2. 144. Sm. FI. Brit. 966. With. 87. Hull. 204.
C. muricata; Hudf 406. Light/. $49. Relh. 350.
Abhot. 202.
C. echinata. Sibth. 28.
Gramen cyperoides fpicatum minimum, fpica divulsa,
aculeata. Rail Syn. 424.
- ^ O T unfrequent in marfliy, rather barren, ground, flowering
in May and June.
Root fibrous; perennial, as ufual with the Carex tribe.
Stem from 6 to 1 % inches high, ereft, flraight, Ample, naked
except at the bafe, triangular, the angles roughifh upwards.
Leaves flat, keeled, fliorter than the full-grown Item, roughifh
towards their points. Spike compound; the fpikelets 3 or 4,
alternate, remote, or at leaft not crowded together, all at nearly
equal diftances, roundilh, their male flowers below the female
and lefs numerous. A leafy bradea generally hands under
the loweft fpikelet. Glumes ovate, brown, with a white edge,
and broad green nerve. Fruit fpreading in every dire&ion*
ovate, ribbed, brown, terminating in a rough-edged beak,
which is notched at the end, but not deeply cloven, nor gaping!
Stigmas two.
The Linriffian|herbacium proving this not to be the C. rnuri.
cata, for which. Hfidfon, Leers, and others have taken it,
Dr. Goodenoug^.firft gave it the name we here adopt.