M0 N 0 EC1A Triandria,
Gen. Char. Male, Catkin imbricated. Cal. o f i
fcale. Cor. none. Female, Catkin imbricated.
Cal. o f i fcale. Cor. none. Stigmas i or 3.
Seed clothed with a dwelling tunic.
Spec. Char. Spike oblong, once or twice compounded,
prickly ; fpikelets androgynous. Fruit
divaricated, pointed, cloven. Root fibrous.
Syn. Carex muricata. Linn. Sj>. PI. 1382. Sm. FI.
Brit. 974. Gooden. Tr. o f Linn. Soc. v, 2. 158.
With. 92. Hull. 205. Relh. 364.
C. fpicata. Hudf. 4 0 5 . Sibth. 27., Abbot. 201.
U g htf 548. _
Gramen cyperoides fpicatum minus. Rail Syn. 424.
F r e q u e n t in rather moift paftures and fhady places,
flowering in May or June.
The root is perennial, fibrous, fcarcely creeping. The herbage
of a bright green. Stem upright and ftraight, 12 or 18
inches high, naked except at the bafe, triangular, the angles
rough upwards. Leaves flattith, narrow, taller than the ftem,
rough on the edges and keel. Spike oblong, an inch or
more in length, cylindrical, blunt; a little interrupted and
(though rarely) fometimes branched at the bafe. Spikelets
various in nujpber, roundid), rather crowded, the male flowersr
above the female. Bra&eas ovate, membranous, -the lowed;
efpecially tipped with a narrow rough leafy point. Glumes-
ovate, brown with a green keel. Fruit fpreading every way,
ovate, convex on one fide, green, at length brown, rough at
the margin towards the top, deeply cloven at the point.
Stigmas two.
By a comparifon with t. 806 it will be feen in what particulars
this differs from C. muricata of Hudfon, our Jlellulata.