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C A R E X dioica.
Small Carex.
M. 0 N OE C IA Triandria.
G en. Char. Male, Catkin imbricated. Cal. of i fcale.
Cor. none. Female, Catkin imbricated. Cal. of
i fcale. Cor. inflated, permanent. Seed triangular,
inverted with the corolla.
Spec. Char. Spikes Ample, dioecious. Corolla ribbed,
finely ferrated.
Syn. Carex dioica. Linn. Sp. PI. 1379. Hudf. 401.
With. 86. Relb. 349. Sibth. 26. Gooden. Tr. o f
Linn. Soc. -u. 2. 139.
Gramen cyperoides minimum, Ranunculi capitulo
rotundo. Raii Syn. 425. •
fi. G. cyperoides minus, Ranunculi capitulo lon-
giore. Raii Syn. 425.
.F O U N D in fpongy bogs not unfrequently, though it may
eafily be overlooked. It flowers in May, ripening its feed in
June, or July, when its round heads are more confpicuous than
the flowers.
Root creeping, flender, perennial. Stems afcending, e or 6
inches high, Ample, flender, roundifh, channelled, fmooth
leafy below. Leaves fheathing, triangular, fmooth, very nar-
I0f - , Stipula very thort and blunt. Spikes linear, eredi ob-
tule., lohtary j the male from one root, the female from another,
u r S krowmth or rufty- coloured, with a green rib, fmooth;
thofe of the female broadeft. Stamina flender. Anther»
Jong lulphur-coloured. Stigmas two. Seeds fpreading, by
which the fpike becomes ovate or roundifh. The permanent
corolla is ovate, ribbed on one fide, plain on the other, fcarcely
notched at the tip, its margins finely ferrated, efpecially in the
upper part, by which it is readily known from C. capitata, a
bwedifh fpecies not hitherto found in Britain, as Dr. Good-
enough m his valuable paper has fufficiently proved; and we
readily aflent to his opinion, that the two fynonyms of Ray
above quoted both belong to C. dioica. *'