C A R E X hirta.
Hairy Car ex.
MO N CE C IA Triandria.
Gen. Char. Male, Catkin imbricated. Cal. o f one
fcale. Cor. none. Female, Catkin imbricated.
Cal. o f one fcale. Cor. hollow, permanent, inveft-
ing the feed.
Spec. Char. Hairy. Spikes fhort, cylindrical, remote.
Sheaths nearly equal in length to the flower-
ftalks. Scales awned. Fruit hairy.
Syn. Carex hirta. Linn. Sp. PI. 1389. Gooden. Tr. of
Linn. Soc. v. 2. 208. Hudf 414. With. h i .
Hull. 209. Relh. 357. Sibth. 33. Abbot. 207.
Dickf. H. Sicc. fafc. 11. 16.
Gramen cyperoides polyftachyon lanuginofum. Rail
Syn. 418.
T ' • „ 1 H IS fpecies of Carex belongs to that divifion of the genus
in which the male fpikes are more than one. It is not uncommon
in moift meadows and other watery places, flowering in
May or June.
Root creeping very far, with downy fibres. Stem eredft, about
2 feet high, leafy, triangular, the angles fharp and rough.
Leaves fcarcely fo tall as the ftem, ereft, flat, pointed, moft
hairy beneath, rough at the edge; their (heaths long, very
hairy upwards, though fometimes, according to Dr. Good-
enough’s remark, in watery places they become fmooth.
Brafteae like the leaves, with fheaths that include nearly the
whole flower-ftalk. Male-fpikes 2, a little remote, lanceolate,
with ovate, brown, rather pointed fcales, externally hairy; fe-
male-fpikes 3, remote, on ftalks, ereft, cylindrical, fhort, their
fcales fmooth, ovate, with long rough awns. Fruit loofely imbricated,
ovate, acute, nervous, hairy, fomewhat beaked, deeply
cloven at the point. Seed three-cornered, crowned with the
The feparate fpike only in FI. Dan. t. 379 feems to belong
to this plant. The reft of the figure is furely C. filiformis, a
fpecies moft nearly allied to this, though truly diftinft, arid
which having alfo 2 male fpikes, ought to be placed next to it.