MONOECIA Triandria.
Gen. Char. Male, Catkin imbricated- Cal. o f i
fcale. Cor. none. Female, Catkin imbricated.
Cal. of i feale. Cor', none. Stigmas 2 or 3.
Seed clothed with a fwelling tunic.
Spec. Char. Spike cnee or twice compounded ;
fpikelets all androgynous. Bra<5tea leafy, eredt.
Fruit not fpreading. Root creeping.
Syn. Carex divifa. Hudf. 405. Sm. Fl. Brit. 973.
Gooden. Tr. o f Linn. Soc. v. 2. 157. t. 19. ƒ. 2.
With. 92. Hull, ao5.
Gramen cyperoides ex monte Ballon, Ipica divulsil.
Raii Syn. 423.
T h i s rare Carex was gathered at Kennington by Mr.
Groult, a very accurate obferver. It grows in marlhy places,
flowering in May and June, and is moll likely to be found not
very far from the fea, or at Ieall within the reach of the frelh-
water tide.
Root perennial, creeping horizontally to a confiderable extent,
black, ftrong and twilled. Stems upright, weak, above
a foot high, naked, triangular, roughilh in the upper part.
Leaves bright green, narrow, eredt, various in length. Spike
fcarcely an inch long, ovate, compound, fometimes fubdivided
at the bafe, denfe and comprefled, of a brown, not reddilh,
hue. Spikelets feveral, irregularly cluttered, ovate, all androgynous,
the female flowers undermoft and moll numerous. A
long narrow leafy triangular acute bradtea Hands under the
lowed fpikelet, generally riling much above the uppermoll.
Glumes elliptical, fharp, brown with a pale or greenilh keel
and a llightly membranous edge. Fruit Ihorter than the
glumes, ovate, with a rough dilated margin, cloven at the
point. Stamina three. Stigmas two, brown, very long and