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C A R E X axillaris.
Axillary Clujlerqd Carex.
MQNOECIA Triandria.
Gen. Char. Male, Catkin imbricated. Cal. o f i fcale.
Cor. none. Female, Catkin imbricated. Cal. of
i fcale. Cor. none. Stigmas 2 or 3. Seed clothed
with a fwelling tunic.
Spec. Char. Spikelets remote, feffile, androgynous;
the lowermoft compound. Bradteac very long.
Seed-tunic cloven at the point.
Syn. Carex axillaris. Gooden. Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. 2.
151. t. 19. ƒ. 1. Sm. FI. Brit. 970. With. 89.
Hull. 205.
M e . CURTIS is laid to have firft difcovered this fpecies of
Carex near Putney. Mr. Woodward fent our fpecimen from
Earfham, Norfolk, where it is found about wet ditch banks
on a foil of ftrong elav, flowering in the middle of June.
This has probably been often neglected as a luxuriant variety
of C. remota, t. 832. It differs from that fpecies in being much
larger and ftouter, with broader leaves and bracteae. The fpike-
lets are alfo more turgid, and the lowermoft of them, fometimes
two or three more, are compound, confifting of a principal
fpikelet with 2, 3, 4 or even 5 fmaller ones cluftered at the bafe.
The loweft bra&ea only rifes as high as the top of the ftem; the
reft are fhorter. The feed-cafes are much more diftinftly and
deeply cloven than thofe of C. remota.