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C A R E X ampullacea.
Slender-beaked Bladder Carex.
MONO EC IA Triandria.
Gen. Char. Male, Catkin imbricated. Cal. o f I fcale.
Cor. none. Female, Catkin imbricated. Cal. of
i fcale. Cor. none. Stigmas a or 3. Seed clothed
with a fwelling tunic.
Spec. Char. Female fpikes cylindrical, elongated,
nearly fefiile. Sheaths none. Fruit inflated, with
a linear forked beak.
Syn. Carex ampullacea. Gooden. Tr. of Linn. Soc.
v . a. 207. Sm. FI. Brit. 1006. With. n o . Hull. aog.
C. veficaria. Hudf. 413. Light/. 566.
C. roftrata. Sibth. 3 a. Abbot. ao6.
Gramen cyperoides polyftachyon majus, fpicis tere-
tibus eredtis. Raii Syn. 419.
Th IS Carex is alfo moft common in Scotland and the
northern counties; in the fouth it more rarely occurs. It is
plentiful at Seething in Norfolk. We received our fpecimen
by favour of Mr. J. Holme of Peter-houfe, Cambridge, from
a watery gravel-pit near that town, where the plant was firft
remarked by the Rev. Mr. Newton, F. L. S. It is not a Lin-
nsean fpecies, and has been much miftaken by different bota-
nifts. Hudfon quotes a fynonym of Ray which belongs to our
veficaria, fubjoining its proper denomination as a variety.
Dr. Stokes firft well illuftrated it by the name of rcjlrata, in
Dr. Withering’s 2d edition. It flowers in May.
Root creeping, perennial. Stem with 3 blunt angles, which
below the loweft bradtea are fmooth. Leaves narrow, rather
glaucous. Male fpikes i or 3, very (lender, with bluntifh
feales; female 2 or 3, with generally (harper ones. Thele female
fpikes are longer and more (lender than thofe of C. vejfi*
carta, confiding of numerous fpreadingyellowifti inflated round-
ifti fruits, each terminating in a linear beak, nearly of its own
length, which is cloven at the point. Seed (mail, crowned
with the long ftyle.