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C A R E X pilulifera.
Round-headed Carex.
M0 NQJEC1A Trtandris.
G en. C h a r . Male, Catkin imbricated. Cal. o f i fcale.
Cor. none.
Female, Catkin imbricated. Cal. of i fcale. Co?.
none. Stigmas i or 3. Seed clothed with a fwell-
ing tunic.
Spec. Char. Bra6teae not fheathing. Female fpikee
feffile, cluttered, roundifh. Glumes tipped with a
final! point. Fruit roundifh, downy.
Syn. Carex pilulifera. Linn. Sp. PI. 1385. Sm. FI.
Brit. 995. Gooden. Tr. of L. Soc. v. 2. 190.
Hudf. 408. With. 103. Hull. 208. Relh. 333.
Sibtb. 29. Abbot. 204. Dickf. H. Sicc. fafe. 9. 12.
C . montana. Linn.Sp. PI. 1385.
Gramen cyperoides fpicis brevibus congeftis, folio
molli. Raii Syn. 421.
G. cyperoides tenuifolium, fpicis ad fummnm caulem
feffilibus globulorum asmulis. Pluk. Phyt. t. 91.
f . 8. Rail Syn. 422.
C oM M O N on heaths and moorifh ground, flowering iij
April and May.
Root fibrous, perennial. Stem generally recumbent, weak,
flaked, triangular, rough upwards, from 6 to 12 inches high.
Leaves bright green, roughilh at the edges and keel. Bra fleas
narrow, fhort, feffile without any perceptible {heath. Male
fpike folitary, lanceolate, with pointed glumes 5 female 2 or 3,
feffile, near each other, roundifh (not oblong) efpecially in
fruit, their glumes ovate, acute, more or lefs pointed. Tunic
of the feed fliorterthan the glumes, roundifh, orflightly triangular,
pointed, green, clothed with thick fhort down.
Linnaeus adopted this Carex from Plukenet, without a fpe-
cimen, calling it pilulifera, and at the fame- time deferibed it
over again from a fpecimen by the name of montana. It is
remarkable that Ray appears to have made a fimilar miftake.
We prefer pilulifera as the moil apt denomination.