/<? C 927 1
MONOECIA Triandria.
Gen. Char. Male, Catkin imbricated. Cal. o f i fcale.
Cor. none. Female, Catkin imbricated. Cal. of 1
fcale. Cor. none. Stigmas 2 or 3. Seed clothed
with a fwelling tunic.
Spec. Char. Spikelets cluftered into a head, androgynous
; the lower flowers female. Bradleag membranous.
Stem roundifh, fmooth. Leaves channelled.
Syn. Carex incurva. Lightf. 544. t. 24. f 1. Sm.
FI. Brit. 971. Gooden. Tr. of Linn. Sac. V. 2...
152. Hudf. 65o. With. 89. Hull. 205.
T )
-L 'R . HOPE received fpecimens of this Carex from the
deep loofe fand at the mouth of the water (or river) of
Naver, and from near Skelherry in Dunrofnefs, in Shetland,”
whence it found a place in the Flora Scotica. Profefl'or Beattie
has favoured us with fpecimens from near Aberdeen. It
flowers in July.
. Fhe root creeps. The ftems are moflly curved, 3 or 4
inches high, naked, Ample, fmooth. Leaves all radical,
ihorter than the ftem, linear, channelled, fmooth. Spike
terminal, capitate, roundifh, or rather conical, compofed of
feveral roundilh feffile fpikelets, each of which confifls of a
few female flowers in the lower part, and rather more numerous
male ones above them. Bra&ese fhorter than the fpikelets,
elliptical, concave, membranous, brownifh with a pale edge,
flightly keeled. Glumes like them in form and colour, but
rather more acute. Stamina 3, long and {lender. Stigmas
2, brownifh. Fruit ovate, acute, green tinged with brown,
fmooth at the edge, and very flightly notched (not cloven) at
the point.
The C. juncifalia of Allioni is the fame with this fpecies ;
but growing in alpine bogs, not expofed to driving fands or
torrents, the ftem is lefs frequently curved,
S e lec t. /8 a /. fu A T fo u L ty- J d 'f o'ttverTy,' J/on&eru.