M Y R I O P H Y L L U M vertlcillatum,
Verticillate Water-Milfoil.
M O N O E C I A Polyandrla.
Gen. Char. Male. Cal. 4-leaved. P e t. 4. Siam. 8.
Female. Cal. 4-leaved. Pet. 4. P iß . 4. Style none*
Seeds 4, naked.
Spec. Char. All the flowers in axillary whorls.
Syn. Myriophyllnm verticillatum. L in n . Sp. P L
1410. HudJ. FI. A n . 420. W ith . Bot. Arr. 1078*
Relb. Cant. 361. Sibth. Oxon. 132.
Pentapterophyllon aquaticum flofculis ad foliorum
nodos. R a il Syn. 316.
W E have given the molt common Water Milfoil in tab. 83
of this work. That now before us is much more rare. It has
been fent from feveral of the eaftern parts of the kingdom.
Mr. Crowe difcovered it in his ponds at Lakenham, near Norwich,
laft fummer.
The root and lower part of the Item much refemble thofe of
M. fpicatum, as do fuch of the leaves as are under water, exa
cept that all the leaves grow in fives. The upper part of the
Item is however materially different from that fpecies, being
raifed feveral inches above the furface, and clothed to the top
with leaves, fhorter and Iefs finely cut indeed than thofe which
are under water, but verticillated in the fame manner. From
their axillae the flowers appear in July, of a pale green, fome-
times hermaphrodite, but generally female in the lower whorls,
male in the upper. The petals are oval, concave, green, foon
falling off, and poffibly the female flowers may often want them,
though they were evident in our fpecimen. The 4 fligmata
are fiiort, fpreading, and finely tufted.