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[ 1617 ] / / / . L III S A L IX malifolia.
Apple-leaved Willow.
DIOECIA Diandria.
Gen, Char. Male, Cal. the scales of a catkin. Cor.
none. Nectary a gland at the base of the stamina.
Siam. 1—-5. Female, Cal. and Nect. like the male.
Cor. none. Stigmas 2. Caps, superior, of 1 cell
and 2 valves. Seeds downy.
Bjl Spec. Char. Leaves elliptic-oblong, toothed, waved,
thin and crackling, very smooth. Stipulas heartshaped,
very large.
Syn. Salix malifolia. Sm. FI. B rit. 1053.
V*' 11ll 1
M r . CROWE, who has for many years been in the habit
of taking cuttings of Willows, in his rides about Norfolk and
Suffolk more especially, wherever he found them, in order to
cultivate and investigate them at leisure, has by this means
several whose precise places of growth he cannot now recollect.
The present plant is so circumstanced; but Mr. Crowe
is persuaded he found it wild in some part of Norfolk, and
from the habit one would suppose it an upland species.
It forms a spreading shrub 3 or 4 feet high, blossoming in
April, and when in leaf is very remarkable for having somewhat
of the habit of an apple-tree. The twigs are crooked,
brittle, of no use, hairy when young, blackish. - Leaves on
short thick stalks, 2 inches long, smooth, veiny, obovate or
1 : § elliptical, pointed, their margin waved and closely toothed;
their underside glaucous; their substance thin, harsh and
crackling, Stipulas large, recurved, heartshaped, toothed,
Female catkins an inch long, erect, thick, obtuse; their
Scales roundish, entire, clothed with long dense soft hairs.
Germen long and tapering, smooth. Style not half so long
as the germen, with a short simply divided stigma.
That this Salix is new to Britain there can be no doubt.
There is some difficulty in distinguishing it from the exotic
S. hastata, but the latter is a considerable tree, with a more
erect habit, broader less undulated leaves, and rather larger
n it’1'! in patkins. They seem to differ nearly as S. caprea and dquatica
do from each other, but we must leave the matter to future decision.