[ 1064 ]
C A R E X pani culata.
Great P anicled Carex.
M0N0EC1A Triandria.
Gen. Char. Male, Catkin imbricated. Cal. of 1
fcale. Cor. none. Female, Catkin imbricated.
Cal. o f 1 fcale. Cor. none. Stigmas 2 or 3.
Seed clothed with a fwelling tunic.
Spec. Char. Spike thrice compound, branched,
panicled, pointed, interrupted. Fruit fpreading,
beaked. Stem fharply triangular.
Syn. Carex paniculata. Linn. Sp. PI. 1383. Sm.
FI. Brit. 978. Gooden. Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. 2. 164.
Hudf. 403. With. 94. Hull. 206. Relb. 351-
Sibth. 28. Abbot. 203.
Gramen cyperoides paluftre elatius, fpica longfore
laxS. Rail Syn. 422.
N o t rare in fpongy bogs and watery fhady places, where
its large fibrous perennial roots form huge and firm tufts, raifed
high above the original foil, and in time changing a rotten
bog into a grafly, though coarfe, meadow. The ftems are 2
or 3 feet high, ereft, furnifhed with 3 {harp rough angles,
the fpaces between which are flat and many ribbed. Leaves
upright, broadifh, rough on the edges and keel. The large,
branched, repeatedly compound panicle is perfected in June,
and readily difcriminates the fpecies. Its bra&ese are ovate,
fhort, pale-brown, with a white membranous edge, and
terminate in a briftle, which, like the keel, is rough. The
keels of the inner glumes are fmooth. Fruit greenifh, ovato-
lanceolate, convex on the outfide, ending in a long, cloven,
rough-edged beak. Stigmas 2.
Fig. 1 exhibits the fruftification of this plant; fig. 2, the
fruit of C. teretiufcula defcribed in the following page. '
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