/ O' / , [ 1958 ]
S A L I .X p h y lic ifo lia .
Tea-leaved Willow.
DIOECIA Diandria.
G en. Char. Male, Cal. the scales of a catkin. Cor.
none. Nectary a gland at the base of the stamina.
Siam. 1— 5. Female, Cal. and Nect. like the male.
Cor. none. Stigmas 2. Caps, superior, of 1 cell
and 2 valves. Seeds downy.
Spec. Char. Leaves elliptic-lanceolate, with wavy
serratures, smooth ; glaucous beneath. Stipulas
somewhat lunate, glandular on the inside. Germen
stalked, silky. Style elongated.
Syn. Salix phylicifolia. Linn. Sp. PI. 1442, a. FI.
Lapp. ed. 2. 291. t. 8. f . d. n. 851. Sm. FI. Brit.
1049. Tr. o f Linn. Soc. v. 6. 123.
S. radicans. S/k. FI. Brit. 1053.
O u TTINGS of this willow were originally sent to Mr.Growe
from Scotland by Mr. Dickson. Having for several seasons
observed its growth, and this summer its female catkins, I am
enabled with certainty to reduce it to the phylicifolia, which
latter I had only known by Mr. Lightfoot’s specimen, gathered
young in Breadalbane by the Rev. Dr. Stuart, and exactly
agreeing with the authentic Lapland one in the Linnsean
herbarium. Having tried in vain to obtain the plant of Dr.
Stuart alive, I have the more pleasure in finding myself already
possessed of it, under another name, which must now give
way to the older appellation.
This is a low tree or rather bush, whose long spreading
decumbent branches take root as they extend on all sides. The
young twigs are purplish or brown. Leaves scattered, not
much spreading, on short stalks, elliptic-lanceolate, acute,
2 inches long, smooth, harsh, bitter, variously crenate or
serrated, the serratures peculiarly undulated ; upper side dark
and shining; under glaucous. Stipulas small, lunate, glandular
towards the base on the inside. Catkins from separate
buds, stalked, cylindrical. Scales linear, silky at the back.
Germen stalked, ovato-lanceolate, silky. Style smooth. Stigmas
small, cloven.