S A L I X Croweana.
Broad-leaved Monadelphous Willow.
DI0 EC1A Diandria,
G en. C har. Male, Cal. the fcales o f a catkin. Cor.
none. Nellary a gland at the bafe o f the ftamina.
Slam. 1— 5. Female Cal. and Nell, like the male.
Cor. none. Stigmas 1. Capf. fuperior, o f 1 cell
and 2 valves. Seeds downy.
Spec. Char, Monadelphous. Leaves elliptical,
flightly ferrated, quite fmooth ; glaucous beneath.
Syn. Salix Croweana. Tr. o f Linn. Soc. v. 6. 117.
A s far as we have been able to afcertain, this is a perfectly
nondefcript fpecies of Willow, the only one with united
ftamina and broad leaves, to which we have given the name of
its difcoverer, James Crowe, Efq. F. L. S. who has obferved
it in feveral parts of Norfolk, flowering in April or May. It
forms a fmall irregularly growing tree, with ftiort, brittle,
yellow or purplith, divaricated branches. Leaves alternate,
on broad ftalks, fpreading, hardly an inch and a half long,
elliptical or fomewhat obovate, acute, edged with numerous
though flight ferratures; fmooth on both fides; bright Alining
green above; glaucous and veiny beneath; their points
in maturity reflexed and often fplit. Male catkins ovate,
fliort, and of a bright yellow when young. Scales obovate,
hairy, tipped, with black. Filaments more .or lefs united at
their bafe. Antheree orange-coloured. The female catkins
have never been meet with, but they are not wanted to dif-
criminate this very diftinft fpecies..
This Salix is of no ufe as an Ofier, nor have we feen it any
where cultivated. When in bloflom it is one of the moft ornamental,
and the leaves are not deftitute of beauty.
fy L a r c h L . 1 8 0 3 P u b ltih e d b y J a f S a w e r b y X t n J t n .