</9 S
S A L I X rubra.
Green OJter.
D I0 EC1A DiandHa.'
G en. C har. Male, Cal. the fcales of a catkin. Cor.
none. N e tta r y a gland at the bafe of the ftamina.
Stam. i — 5. Female, Cal. and N e tt, like the male.
Cor. none. Stigmas 2. C a p / fuperior, of x cell
and 2 valves. Seeds downy.
Spec. Char. Monadelphous ? Leaves linear-lanceolate,
elongated, acute, minutely toothed, fmooth ;
green on both fides.
Syn. Salix rubra. H u d f. 42.8. W i th . 49- Hall. 2x8.
Re th . 386. Tr. o f L in n . Soc. v . 6. 116.
S. minime fragilis, foliis longiffimis utrinque viridi-
bus non ferratis. R a ii Syn. 449.
(^FATHERED by the Rev. Mr. Hemfted between Prick-
willow and Ely, alfo at Icklingham, Suffolk. It is a (lender
tree, of moderate height, wfien not cut down as an Offer,
flow'ering in April or early in May. The branches are long,
(lender, tough and pliant, fmooth, of a greyith or purplilh
hue. Leaves alternate', on -fhort (lender footllalks, linear-
lanceolate, acute, flat, 3 or 4 inches long, very minutely
toothed or ferrated, grafs green, and fmooth, on both fides,
the young ones only being downy as in moft fpecies. The
flipulae but very rarely occur; they are linear-lanceolate and
toothed. Female catkins not an inch long, obtufe; their
fcales elliptical, hairy, purple. Germen ovate, acute, fefiile,
lilky, with a very fhort ftyle, and ovate thick ftigmas.
Ne&ary a yellow, cylindrical, abrupt gland at the bafe of the
germen. The male plant we have never feen, but from analogy
the ftamina are prefumed to be monadelphous ; and we
think it moft ufeful in this obfcure genus to publifh but one
fex (as the leaves and habit never differ), rather than wait in
the vain hope of obtaining both fexes of every fpecies, which
can only be the refult of many years’ laborious fearch.
S. ruhra is among the moft Valuable Offers, though little
known as yet to botanifts. Ehrhart gives it in his dried
plants as S.ffJ'a of Hoffmann 3 to which we cannot affent.