robberies and burglaries could be moll readily committed. They
alfo confumed a vaft proportion of the provifion which was raifed
in the colony. Still, as the law had fpent its force againft them,
there was no denying them the reftoration o f their rights as free
people. The convifts in generalhad fuffered much through want
o f clothing and bedding. Indeed, during the late harveft, feveral
gangs were feen labouring in the fields, as free of clothing o f any
kind as the favages o f the country. This had made them infolent;
and anonymous letters were dropped, in which were threatenings
o f what would be done at the proper feafon.
At this time, when the certificates were granted, a numerous
body o f the Irifli conviCts, many o f whom had but lately arrived,
infilled that “ their times were out,” and could not be perfuaded
that they were miftaken by any remonilrance or argument. They
grew noify and infolent, and even made ufeof threats; upon which
a few o f the moll forward and daring were fecured, and inllantly
puniflied ; after which they were ordered to go peaceably back to
their work. They had alfo taken up the idea that Ireland had
lhaken off its connection with England, and that they were no
longer to be confidered as convi&s under the Britilh government.
This was a moll pernicious idea to be entertained by fuch a lawlefs
Let of people, and required the llrong arm o f government to eradicate
Agricultural concerns at this time wore a molt unpromifing appearance.
The wheat proved little better than ftraw or chaff; and
the maize was burnt up in the ground for want o f rain. From the
ellablilhment o f the fettlement, fo much continued drought and
fuffocating heat had not been experienced. The country was now
in flames ; the wind northerly and parching ; and feme Ihowers o f
rain, which fell on the yth, were o f no advantage, being immediately
taken up again by the exceflive heat o f the fun.
On the 12th, the Norfolk Hoop arrived, with Lieutenant Flinders
and Mr. Bafs, from the examination of Van Diemen’s land.
I J As
As the refult of this little voyage was the complete knowledge
o f the exillence o f a ftrait feparating Van Diemen’s land from the
continent o f New Holland, it may not be improper to enter with
i’ome degree o f minutenefs into the particulars of i t ; and the writer
o f thefe pages feels much gratification in being enabled to do
this* from the accurate and pleafing journal o f Mr. Bafs, with the
perufal and ufe o f which he has been favoured.
The Norfolk failed, as has been already Hated, upon this voyage
o f difcovery about the 7th of October laft, with Lieutenant Flinders
and Mr. Ba fs; and on the 1 ith, when nearly off Cape Howe,
being met by a frelh gale at S. W. they bore up, and anchored
in V wofold Bay. This bay had been vifited by Mr. Bafs when he
was on the coaft in the whale boat ; but he had not at that time fo
good an opportunity o f examining it as he defired, and now had.
He found Twofold Bay fituated at the fouthern end o f a fhort
chain o f hummocky hills, one part o f which is much more con-
fpicuous than the reft, and lies immediately behind the bay. The
land on the weft fide, being a part o f this chain of hills, is high
and rocky. The fhore is divided into fteep cliff heads, with fmall
intermediate beaches ; the one formed by the moft prominent o f
the ridges, the others by the fand thrown up at the foot o f their
vallies. Behind the beaches are ponds of brackifh water.
The abruptnefs and fudden rife of the hills for the moft part permit
the vegetable earth to be walhed down into the vallies as fall as it
is formed. Some o f the more gradual Hopes retain a fufficiency o f
it to produce a thick coat of tolerably fucculent grafs ; but the foil
partakes too much of the Honey quality o f the higher parts to be
capable o f cultivation.
The dark luxuriant foliage of the vallies points out the advantages
which they had received from the impoverifhed hills. Their
foil is rich and deep, but their extent is narrow and limited. Some
three or four hundred acres of excellent foil might be found upon