and mounted them with cannon. Two guns were alfo mounted on
the high part of Garden-Illand.
Made good the public roads, and repaired them at various times,
and threw bridges over the gullies.
An excellent framed bridge was built over Duck-river, capable
of bearing the weight o f feveral heavy loaded carriages at one
' At Sydney a good granary, 72 feet in length by 2 1 in width,
with two floors, was built out o f the ruins o f a mill-houfe, which
had been firedted with much labour and expence by Lieutenant-
governor Grofe, there not being a building o f that defcription at
Sydney. 1
Built a framed and weather-boarded houfe on the Green-hills at
the Hawkeffiury, for the refidence o f the commanding officer o f that
diftrid. This houfe was ffiingled, and furniffied with a eellar, a
kitchen, and other accommodations, and furrounded with paling.
Eredted a fecond ftrong wind-mill tower at Sydney, 36 feet in
height. This tower, before it was covered in, was fo damaged by
a ftorm which continued during three days, that it was taken down,
and was rebuilt and completed.
A Weather-boarded ftore-houfe with two wings was built at Sydney,
and on the burning o f the church was converted into a temporary
place o f worffiip.
At Parramatta a weather-boarded granary, 140 feet in length, was
built for the reception o f maize. This building was ffiingled.
Built a complete fmith’s ffiop for forges at Sydney.
E re aed at Sydney an excellent brick granary, ,10 0 feet long and
22 wide, with three floors. An addition was made to this building,
about 70 feet in length, for a kiln for drying the grain.
Built a range o f barracks at Sydney for three officers.
Ereaed a handfome church at Parramatta, 100 feet in length
and 44 in width, with a room 20 feet long, raifed on ftone pillars,
and intendedfor a veftry or council room. [See the Pl a t e .]
S c E l E V A T I C A N o f a C H T O C H .
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