The labouring people were principally employed during this
month, in repairing the devaluations occalioned by the latè tempestuous
Ju ly .] Another indance occurred o f the little effect which
even capital punishments had in this profligate Settlement. On the
evening o f the 2d of this month, a moft horrid murder; was committed
upon Mr. Samuel Clode, one of the miffionaries, who had
flown for refuge from thé Savages o f Otaheite to this government.
This aft of more than favage barbarity was committed at the brickfields,
in the h'oufe' o f one Jones, a Soldier. .- His brains were beaten
out at the back of his head, with-an -axe.,- and bis throat So cut
as nearly to fever the head from the body, which was then dragged
to a fawpit, at that time full o f water, and- being thrown in-, was
covered over with bulhes. Here it remained only until- the following
morning, when it was. discovered by a labouring man, who
went to get his hoe; which, to prevent its being fiolen, lie had
been in the habit of concealing in the fawpit. Such are the directions
o f Providence!
Sufpicion falling upon four perfrins, they were taken u p ; and,
the criminal court being immediately convened, three o f the number,
Thomas Jones (a foldier), a woman (his wife), and John Al-
bury (a free man), were, on the cleared evidence, convicted o f the
murder, and adjudged to. Suffer death.
It appeared upon the trial, that the trifling Sum o f ten pounds;
which Jones had been indebted to Mr. Clode, prompted him to
his dedruCtion. To effeCt this, he Signified to that truly unfortunate
gentleman, that if he would call at his hut in the evening he
would pay him. Not SufpeCting any evil defign in this requed,
he called at the appointed time, and, while leaning over a table
to draw up a receipt, received the fird blow with the axe, from the.
hand o f Jones (Albury’s refolution, for it was agreed that he Ihould
give it, failing at the moment), who, from the pecuniary tranfac-
tion between them, mud have been under an obligation, which he
took this dreadful method o f discharging.
Being convicted on the 4th, they were executed on the 6th,
upon the Spot where the murder had been committed. The houSe
was pulled down and burnt, and the bodies of the two men were
hung in chains near the place. That o f the woman was delivered
to the furgeons for diffeCtion.
The abandoned date in which the Settlement was at this time
cannot be better underdood than by a perufal of the following
orders, which were iffued.
“ From the late increafed number o f nocturnal robberies, there
is much reafon to SufpeCt that the petty condables and divifional
watchmen are either extremely negligent in the performance of
their duty, or that they Suffer themfelves to be prevailed on by
the houSe-breakers to be leSs vigilant than that duty requires, and
to connive at their depredations on the inhabitants. A continuance
o f this unpardonable remiffnefs .upon their part mud dif-
pofe the more refpeCtable inhabitants to believe them partakers
with the thieves. It is, therefore, hereby particularly recommended
by the governor to every officer in the colony, as they
value the fecurity o f their property, to give their utmod aflidance
to thofe immediately concerned in the executive part of the civil
police, in putting, as fpeedily as polfible, a dop to So very great an
evil. It is alfo particularly recommended to the principal inhabitants
of the towns o f Sydney and Paramatta, that they SeleCt a few
o f the mod refpeCtable1 o f their number, in each divifion o f thefe
towns, whom they may authorife to confider of the mod effectual
means o f detecting the robbers, and bringing them to trial; whether
by fuch rewards as they may be enabled to offer, or by fmall
divifional patroles for the night fervice, and who Shall take that duty
by turns, and be under the immediate direction o f a reputable
inhabitant, o f their own choice, or an officiating condable feleCted
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