opportunity. On comparing the lift with the colonial hooka, there
were not any found o f this defcription, and all were accounted
for, except two or three names which did not appear in the books ;
and o f courfe, as they had once been on them, their owners muft
have adopted others,’ with the new character that they were going
to affirme in that- country. The whole number of perfons that; appeared
to have eftabliffied themfelves. at Calcutta was not more; than
fifteen ; neverthelefs, Imall as that number was,/the fear that
worthlefs characters ffiould find their way into that government
was ftrongly expreffed in their public letter. Indeed, w-hat community,
where honefty and morality were cultivated, would not
deprecate even the poffibility o f fuch charaöers mixing with them,
with as much earneftnefs as a people in health would dread the importation
o f a plague or a yellow fever ! 1
It appeared, that at the fame time lome propofitions had been
made, and a correfpondence entered into between the fecretary o f
the Bengal government and the gentleman who had been employed
as the private agent of the officers o f the feulement, refpeâing the
tranfportation o f Indian convicts to New South. Wales.. As this
■was a meafùre, though open to no objection whatever, which muft
be fubmitted to adminiftration before it could be adopted, the correfpondence
which had paffed on this occafion was fent home. It
was propofed by the government o f Bengal , to victual and maintain
their convidts for one year after their landing ; after which
they were to be fupported by the feulement. As fuch a defcription
o f people might be very ufefully employed there, and would be far
more manageable than the convidts from England or Ireland, it
was hoped that the plan might meet the approbation o f his Majef-
ty’s minifters.
It ffiould feem that fome favourable ideas o f the feulement had
obtained in India ; for by the fame conveyance three gentlemen o f
refpedtability addreffed the governor,, flaring to him their defire o f
embarking their families and property, and becoming fettlers ; but
as they required a ffiip to be fent for them, to be fumiffied with a
certain number o f con vices for a limited time, and a quantity of
live flock, all o f which muft be attended with a confiderable expence
to the crown, the governor, though well aware of the advantages
which the colony would derive from having fuch perfons re-
fident among them, found himfelf compelled to lay their propofals
before the fecretary o f ftate.
To put a flop, i f poffible, to the encouragement which was given
by fettlers and others to the vagrants who infefted the different dif-
tridts; it was ordered, that when any one wiffied to travel from
one place to another, he was to apply to a magiftrate for a pafs, in
which the bufinefs he was going on was to be inferted ; and all
perfons found without this written pertniffion were to be taken before
a magiftrate to anfwer for their wilful difobedience o f the regulations
o f the fettlement.
Application having been made to the commiffary to receive freffi
pork into the public {lores, he was dire&ed to comply therewith ;
but there was reafon to believe that fuch compliance’ Would be attended
with the indiferiminate deftrudtion of breeding and young
fows. It was therefore ordered, that' i f any perfon ffiould be
known to offer any meat o f that defcription to the {lore, it was not
to be received ; and the owner was to be informed againft, as being
no longer deferving o f encouragement or any indulgence whatever.
The criminal court o f -judicature was affembled on the 26th of
the month, and continued fitting by adjournment for three days ;
whereat fix prifoners were capitally convifted, two of whom were
condemned for ffieep-ftealing. As it was abfolutely neceffarjr to
make fome examples,- thefe men- were ordered for execution ; the
others were pardoned, upon condition o f being tra-nfported for life
to Norfolk-Ifland.
In the courfe o f this month died Mr. John Livingflone, the maf-
ter carpenter at Parramatta. This perfon came out from England