drummers, and privates o f the army, fince the 25th day o f May
179 7 , under certain regulations with refpedt to ftoppages, the regiment
was now to receive the benefit o f fuch increafe o f pay.
From this, three pence halfpenny per diem was to be deducted, as
a payment for the ration which was iffued to them, and which the
commiffary was now directed to ferve, agreeable to the ration efta-
blifhed by his Majefty’s command for fuch o f his troops as were
ferving in Jamaica, Gibraltar, and New South Wales.
Colonel Paterfon having alfo been inftru&ed to complete the different
companies o f the corps, i f he could obtain a fufficient number
o f proper characters, a public notice was given, informing
fuch free people as could bring with them recommendations that
would fatisfy the colonel they were deferving o f being taken into
his Majefty’ s fervice, that they would be received, and attefted for
the regiment.
The very little attention which had long been, and continued to
be Ihewn to the duties o f religion, and the want of that decency and
refpefl: which were due to the return o f the Sabbath, were now fo
glaringly confpicuous, that it became neceffary to repeat the orders
which had indeed often been given upon that fubjeCt, and again to
call upon every perfon pofleffed o f authority to ufe that authority in
compelling the due attendance o f the convi&s at church, and other
proper obfervance o f the Sabbath. The women were alfo directed
to be more punctual in their appearance; for thefe ftill availed
themfelves o f the indulgence which as women they had been treated
with, feldom thinking themfelves included in the reftriCtions that
were laid upon others.
The wheat crops, at this time nearly ready for the reaper, wore
the moft promifing appearance, the ftalks every where, particularly
at the Hawkefbury, bending beneath the weight o f the richeft
ears o f corn ever beheld in this or indeed any other country. But,
like other countries, a crop was never to be reckoned in this, until
it was gathered into the barn. About the middle o f the month
there fell a very heavy ftorm of thunder, lightning, and rain, attended
alfo with a fhower of hail from the S. E. that beat all the
fruit off the trees, and deftroyed the gardens in and about the town
o f Sydney, though it was not felt more than two miles from that
place. A heavy gale o f wind and rain took place at the Hawkefbury
the day preceding the ftorm at Sydney, which laid much of
the wheat, and beat down one end o f the public ftore.' This de-
ftruClive weather, having fubfided for a day, recommenced on the
20th, and continued without intermiffion until the 25th, when it
again cleared u p ; and, to increafe the vexation, myriads o f caterpillars
Were found deftroying the young maize.
That it might be exactly known what was the produce o f this
year’s harveft, proper people were appointed, by order o f the governor,
to vifit each diftridt; and, from the refpedtive owners, to
colleft an account o f what each farm had produced.
The building of the public gaol at Sydney was not yet completed
; nor, although a meeting of the officers had been lately held to
confider of the means, was any mode devifed o f defraying the ftill
heavy expence thereof. It had been fuggefted to raife a fund on
the importation o f merchandize; but nothing conclufive was yet
determined upon.
December.] The Britannia whaler having, as was before ftated,
arrived a full ffiip, and being again Teady for fea, on the 2d o f
this month failed for England. In her, Mr. Raven, who brought
out the Buffalo, and fome o f his officers took their paffage; an
agreement having been made with Mr. Turnbull, the mafter, to
furniffi them, fix in number, with a paflage for the fum of two
hundred and fifty pounds*. The Walker failed at the fame time
on her fiffiing voyage.
* Mr. Raven was charged with difpatches; which, from his earncft defire not to Jofc
-any time in delivering, he unfortunately loft. When the fliip was within fight o f the Ifle of
Wight, he got into a boat, which was captured by a fmall privateer, and was carried into
vol. n . m k France