On the fame day the Colonial fchooner, and a long-boat named
the Eliza, failed to the fouthward, to bring away the remainder o f
the (hip’s company belonging to the unfortunate Sydney Cove.
Among other works in which the people were employed in this
month, was the necefiary one o f ereCting paling round the new
gaol, now nearly compleated, and round the frefh water, the original
inclofure o f which had gone to decay, by which means the
dream was fo exceedingly polluted, as to endanger the health of
the inhabitants. Some neceflary regulations were publilhed to
counteract this evil,- and indeed they had long been loudly called
The want o f cordage has been already mentioned. The fettle-
ment was likewife fo much didrelfed for canvas, that, the larged
and bed boat being in the Hawkefbury, it became neceflary to
difmantle another boat, in order to furnifh fails to bring her round ;
thofe belonging to her having been fplit in fome bad weather which
(he met with in her paflage thither. The people were directed at
the fame time to procure fome o f the bark o f the tree lately discovered,
to be manufactured into cordage ; for which purpofe it
was reckoned fuperior to any o f the flax that had been brought from
The Mercury failed about the middle o f the month ; and, as
fome return for the liberty o f refitting his (hip, and remaining four
months in the Cove, the mader took away a female convict without
the governor’s permilfion.
Very little rain fell during this month.
June.] On the 2d o f June, the (hip Ganges arrived from Ireland,
with convicts from that kingdom, and a detachment o f recruits
for the New South Wales corps. This (hip had touched at
the Cape of Good Hope, and was commanded by Mr. Patrickfon,
who had vifited the fettlement in the year 179 2 , in the Philadelphia,
a fmall American brig. The convicts in this (hip were ob-
ferved to be in much better health than thofe on board o f the Britannia.
tannia. Thefe people, indeed, complained fo much of having been
treated with great feverity during the padage, that the governor
thought it right to inftitute an enquiry into their complaints. It
appeared, that they had been deferving o f punifhment, but that it
had been adminidered with too much feverity,. in the opinion even
o f the furgeon who was prefent. As thefe punifliments had been
inflicted by the direction o f the mader, without confulting any o f
the officers on board as to- the meafure o f them, he was highly
cenfured, as was the furgeon, who could fland by and fee them
inflicted without remonftrating with the mader,. which he declined
becaufe he had not been confulted by him.
“ Quis talia fando,. temper« a lachrymis?”
His M'ajefiy’s birth-day, falling this year on a Sunday, was ©b-
ferved on the 5th; with all the honour that could be paid to it.
The regiment was drawn out on the parade, and at noon fired three
vollies. At one o’clock a royal falute was fired from the battery
and the (hips in the Cove ; and all the officers, civil and military,
with thofe belonging to the (hips, fpent the day at the go vet n-
Shortly after this the governor vifited the fettlement at Farrar
matta, for the purpofe o f examining that part o f the country which,
he defigned to cultivate on the public account; and to obferve how
the convicts who had lately arrived, the major part o f whom had
been fent thither, were provided for. The cattle which had been
landed from the Supply had been alfo fent thither, and were,
with the government flock that was at Toongabbe, thriving exceedingly.
The ground that it was propofed to clear on the public account
was not more than two miles and a half from Parramatta, and moft
advaritageoufly fituated in point o f frefh water, having a chain o f
large and excellent ponds in its vicinity. The deputy furveyor
having accompanied the governor, the fpot was marked out for