m D E D I C A T I O N .
thus at once rendering himfelf the objed of veneration
and of gratitude to his country.
Your Lordfhip’s fervices in the feveral high and important
fituations which you have filled, are too generally
known, and too well remembered, to .make me
apprehenfive left my humble tribute of applaufe Ihould
be miftaken for other than the genuine feelings of one
proud of this opportunity to unite his voice with that
of a grateful nation.
The Settlement whofe annalift I have been has had
much to ftruggle with. Its diftance from the pfoteding
wing of the parent government, g,nd the unprecedented
war which that government has fo long had to con-
dud, have yery much fepfefied its energies, and de-
traded from its natural vigour. But, although the diftance
muft ever remain an obftacle, yet now,- that Your
Lordlhip can uninterruptedly afford a portion Of your
valuable time and great abilities to the confideration
of its interefts, it will, I truft, be found to corred its
bad habits, and to maintain, with a degree ofrefpeda-
bility, its place among the colonial dominions of our
much beloved and Moft Gracious Sovereign.
D E D I C A T I O N . v S
That Your Lordfhip may long be permitted to dif-
penfe bleffmgs to New South Wales and other diftant
countries, and to aflift, inftrud, and adorn your own,
is the ardent and anxious wifti of him who has the
honour to be, with every fentiment of refped,
M Y LO R D ,
. Your Lordfhip’s
Moft obedient, very humble,,
and devoted Servant,
Beaumont St r e e t ,
June 26 , 1802,