recommending particularly to his care fuch of the miflionaries as
refided in the place. It was pointed out to him how much this conduit
would enfure his majefty the favourable opinion of, King
George ; and Mr. Scott was provided with a quantity o f fuch articles
for barter as were likely to pleafe the eye as well as be ufe-
ful to the people whom he might have to deal with ; among
which were fome red and yellow cloth, fome tomahawks, axes,-
knives, fcilfars, Ihirts, jackets, & c . : and, as nothing was more
likely to enfure fuccefs than a handfome prefent to his majefty, a
mantle and fome other articles o f drefs decorated with fed feathers, '
together with fix mufquets and fome ammunition, were given to
Mr. Scott to be prefented to the king.
' Directions were alfo fent to the lieutenant-governor at Norfolk
Ifland,to fait a quantity o f pork for the ufe of the principal fettlement.
The governor had likewife entered into a contract with a merchant
in India, to freight a Ihip with cattle and rice, -after the arrival
o f which he was o f opinion that further fupplies o f cattle might
be unneceffary, the ftock in the country, independent o f the wild
herd, being very confiderable. That herd was grown very furious,
and, having got among the mountains to the weft ward, rendered any
attempts to take them dangerous and ufelefs.
The Lady Nelfon brig had been in Bafs Strait, and furveyed
Weftern port, where Ihe found a very good harbour. She had
alfo been; in company with the Francis (colonial fchooner), to
Hunter river, where they took in between them 45 tons o f coal,
which were exchanged with the matter o f the Cornwallis, for a
quantity of nails and iron, articles that were much wanted; thus, for
the firft time, making the natural produce o f the country contribute
to its wants.
The Francis being nearly worn out, th& governor had purehafed
a veffel called the Harbinger, to be employed in going to and from
Norfolk-Ifland, the fervice o f the Porpoife being required for longer
voyages. The Supply, which had been long fince condemned, was
8 fitting
fitting up as a hulk to receive fuch convicts as were incorrigible,
in which capacity fhe might ftill be very ufeful. It was intended
that the Lady Nelfon Ihould, at the proper feafon, be employed
in an accurate furvey o f Bafs Strait.
Accounts having been received o f the Union between the Two
Kingdoms, that event was celebrated on the 4th of June 18 0 1 , and
on that occafion the new union flag was for the firft time displayed
in New South Wales. The governor took that opportunity
o f releafing feveral o f the Iriftx infurgents who hhd been in
It appeared, on examining, the regifters of the feveral terms of
tranfportation o f the con vits, that the clerks, who necefiarily had
had accefs to them, had altered the fentences o f about two hundred
prifoners, receiving a gratuity from each equal to ten or
twelve pounds. This was a very ferious e v il; and proper fteps to
guard againft it in future have been taken both at home and in
the Colony.
That neceflary inftitution, the Orphan School, had been carried
into effect, and the houfe which had been purehafed for the reception
o f the children was occupied by them.
It appeared, upon collecting the accounts o f the expences attending
the erecting o f the county gaol, that that building had coft the
fum o f 39541. the greateft part o f which had been paid by aflelT-
ments upon individuals.'
Every encouragement was given to promote the growth o f wool
fit for the purpofe o f manufacturing, and three hundred and fix
yards o f blanketing had been made from what had been produced
in the year preceding the' date o f the difpatches, from the flocks belonging
to government and to individuals. In five months four
hundred' and feventy-two yards o f flax had been manufactured into
The colony continued healthy, In Ju ly 18 0 1 there were one
hundred and eighteen perfons on the furgeon’ s lift.
u u 2 The