film of fouthing produced in eight entire days,from latitude 3 3 °4 5 '
to 24° 22' fouth, was fixty-five.'miles, almpft the whole o f which
were loft oft the Three Brothers and Smokey Gape, ( when their
diftance from the Ihore was more than in general it ufed to be. To
counteract this, they had twenty-five miles o f northing, reducing
the current to thirty miles in eight days, which could fcarcely be
called a current.
On the other hand, their average diftance from the Ihore, when
on their return, was about twelve leagues, or barely within fight of
the land ; and in running the fame difference: o f latitude in twelve
days the fum o f the fouthing was two hundred and eleven miles, and
the northing but one mile and a half. Out o f this, thirty-four males
were gained in' one day when their diftance off- the Ihore was the
greateft, being between twenty and twenty-five leagues.
From thefe data it Ihould appear, that the current was ftrongeft
at the diftance o f five, and from, thence to twenty or more leagues;
and within that; there was fome fet to the northward. But Mr.
Flinders thought it moft probable, that the foutherly current would
prevail nearer to fucb projecting points of land as Point Danger,
Smokey Cape, Red Point, and the Heads of Jervis. B a y ; perhaps
clofe to them, at fuch times when its ftrength was greateft, for in
that refpeCt it had been found to vary much : it was eyen believed
at Port Jackfon, that the current changes its direction totally during
fome Ihort fpace o f time.
O f the tides it was fcarcely neceflary to fay any thing; for, by a
comparifon o f the times of high water at Bullard Bay and at Port
Jackfon, it Ihould feem that the flood came from the fouthward •
and would therefore produce little or no fet along the coaft either
way, in the greateft part o f that fpace. It was probable, however
that, to the fouthward o f Smoky Cape, the flood'would draw fome-
what from the northward ; for there the land trended to the weft-
ward o f fouth; and likewife the nearer the coaft lies eaft and weft,
the more fet would be produced by the tide along i t ; as from Cape
*3 Howe
Howé to Wilfon’s Promontory for inftance. Again, from Break
Sea Spit, the coaft trends to the weftward of north, which has a
tendency to draw the flood from the S. E. and this was Ihewn by
Captain Cook to be the cafe.
We muft here take leave of Captain Flinders, whofe Ikill in exploring
unknown coafts and harbours, fo amply manifefted in this •
excurfion, creates an additional intereft in the fuccefs of his prefent
The courts of criminal judicature being affembled on the 29th
o f the month, one man, Job Williams, wascapitally convicted of a
burglary; and feveral others, free people, were ordered to be tranf-
ported to Norfolk-Ifland. Williams:afterwards received a pardon,
fome favourable circumftances having been laid before the governor,
which induced him to extend the mercy veiled in him by His
Majefty’s authority.
The difficulties which were liill placed in the way of the commiflàry
in preparing his accounts to be lent home, through the fettlers and
other perfons, who had not come forward, as they were fome time
fince directed, to fign the requifite vouchers for the fums paid tnem
for the grain or pork which they had delivered at the public ftores,
the commilfary was directed not to make immediate payment in
future, but to ilfue the government notes quarterly only, when every
perfon concerned would be obliged to attend, and give the proper
receipts for fuch fums as might be then paid them. This was a moft
ufeful regulation, and had been long wanted.
The conviCts brought out by the Hillfborough being moft-
ly recovered from the difeafe and .weaknefs with which they
landed, fome additional ftrength was gained to the public gangs,
and the different works in hand went on with more fpirit
than they had done for fome time pall. In addition to the
battery which, under the direction o f Lieutenant Kent, had been
conftruCted by the feamen o f the Supply on the eaft point of the
, the work on Point Malkelyne had been railed and completed