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This certainly was not an unpromifing view of the agricultural
part of the lettlement. Much might he expected from the exertions
of three hundred and fifty-five people, and the greateft advantage
would have been derived from their labours had they been
lef's prone to diffipation and ufelefs traffic—a traffic which moft o f
them entered into folely with a view to indulging themfelvesin their
favourite propenfity of drinking*
Independent o f the wild herd o f cattle to the weftward, the live
ftock belonging to the Crown, and to individuals, was annually in-
creafing to a great amount; but it was not yet fufficiently numerous
to admit of fupplying the colony with animal food. To begin
too early to apply it to that ufe, would only have retarded the
time when the colony would be independent o f any other country
for provifions; and none but fuperfluous males were ever
On the 26th of this month the Hillfborough tranfport arrived
from England, whence Ihe had faiLed with three hundred male
convidts on board; but, from the raging of a gaol fever, that made
its appearance foon after her departure, ninety-five had died during
the voyage, and fix more were added to the number in a few days
after they were landed.
It was impoffible that any £hip could have been better fitted by
Government for the accommodation of prifoners during fuch a
voyage than was the Hillfborough; but, unfortunately, they
brought with them, perhaps lurking in their cloathing, a difeafe.
which bade defiance to ajl the meafures that could be taken for their
comfort and convenience.
The hofpitals were immediately filled with the - furvivors, from
whom no labour could, for a length o f time, be expedted ; and they
were fupplied with frefh meat.
None of the military having been embarked in this (hip, the
owners had put on board a certain number of people, to adt as a
guard ; and on the coramiffary’s muttering them and the fhip’s
5 company,
company, purfuant to a requeft to that purpofe from the commif-
fioners of the Tranfport Board, it appeared, that the terms of the
charter-party had been ftridtly complied with.
The eredting of the public gaol advancing but flowly, the con-
flables o f the different divifions of the town o f Sydney were di-
redted to give information to the inhabitants of. their, refpedtive divifions,
that, as this building was a work in which they were all in-
terefted, they were to furnifh from each o f the four divifions, viz.
from King’s, Nepean’s, Banks’s, Mafkelyne’ s (fuch being their
names), and from that of the Brickfields, five men each day, with
a watchman to attend them. Thefe were to be relieved by a like
number o f men every day, and this affiftance was to bè continued
fo long as the gentlemen who had the diredtion of the work fhould
have occafion for them.
Had the convidts who arrived in the Hillfborough been in a condition
to labour, this requifition would have been unneceffary.
The Albion was cleared during this month o f the provifions
which fhe brought out for the colony, and prepared to proceed upon
her filhing voyage.
The Buffalo was alfo getting ready to go to the Cape of Good
Hope for cattle.