In the Norfolk were Lieutenant Flinders and Mr. Bafs, who were
inftructed to examine the exiftence of the ftrait fuppofed to divide
Van Diemen’s land from the continent.
The rage for trade already fpoken of, which prevailed fo uni-
verfally in the colony, occafioned fuch a continued fcene o f contention
and litigation among the people, that'much public inconvenience
was experienced in the liberties which were taken o f imprifon-
ing the public fervants o f the crown for debts contrafted with many
of the petty dealers ; notwithftanding an order which was given, out.
in the year 1788, by the late Governor Philip, in which the colony
was informed, that the convidts (by whom were meant the public fervants
o f the crown) had no property o f their own, their clothing,,
their time, and their labour, being the property o f government, and-
not at their own difpofal. This order having worn out of their recol-
ledtion, it became neceflary to renew it, to prevent that lofs o f labour
on the public works which imprifoning their perfons fo improperly
muft occafion. Notice was therefore given, that the public
fervants o f the crown were not to be detained from their duty
by imprifoning their perfons in this w a y ; and i f any perfon fhould
be defirous o f accommodating them with credit, it muft be wholly
and abfolutely upon the ftrength o f their own good faith in the integrity
of fuch people, and not under the idea that they could arreft
and imprifon them according to the forms of law ; and it was to be
generally underftood, that government would by no means dif-
penfe with the labour of its fervants for the partial accommodation
o f any private dealings whatever.
On the evening of the n th , another fire happened in the town
o f Sydney, which, but for a great deal o f care and activity, might
have burnt all the houfes on the eaft fide. A row of buildings
which had been lately eredted for the nurfes and other perfons employed
about the hofpital, was fet on fire, and totally confumed.
The flames very nearly reached the boat-yard, in which were many
concerns o f value.
On the 20th, an American Chip, the Ann and Hope, anchored
in Botany Bay, unfavourable winds having prevented her getting
up fo far as Port Jackfon. As the matter only wanted a little wood
and water, three days were fufficient to procure them; and at the
end of that period he failed for China. He certainly was either
prefled for time, or had nothing on board that he could part with,
as the fhips o f his country had always found it worth their while to
refrefh at Port Jackfon.
Toward the latter end o f the month the governor vifited the
fettlers at the Hawkefbury; and while he was there made fome ufe-
ful regulations among the lawyers, who had fixed their own portion
o f public labour. He gave notice, that a feflion fhould be held"
quarterly for fettling all civil concerns ; and made fome other local
arrangements, which, i f attended to, would have conduced eflen-
tially to the welfare o f the fettlers, whofe farms he found promifing
plenty, but whofe houfes and perfons wore the appearance o f poverty
and beggary, they converting all the produce of their farm8
to the unworthy purpofe o f purchafing a pernicious fpirit that muft
ever keep them poor.
In the evening o f the 27th, the fhip Marquis Cornwallis arrived
from the Cape o f Good Hope, with a cargo o f cattle on government
account, confifting o f 158 cows and 20 bulls, exclufive of a
few on private account. When they were landed, a few appeared
weakly; but, in general, they were in as good health as any that
had been before landed, after a voyage of fuch extent; and would
certainly prove a vaft acquifition to the colony; part of the cows
being a mixed breed between the Cape and Englifh cattle, and the
whole appearing to be under the age of two years and a half.
With the Marquis Cornwallis arrived the Indifpenfable, a fouthern
whaler, commanded by Mr. Wilkinfon, who had twice before v ifited
the fettlement; but he failed again immediately.
In this month the foundation of a ftone building intended for a
church was laid at Sydney. It was to be 150 feet in length, and
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