A general mufter was taken, during the month, of the inhabitants
o f the feveral diftriCts, attended' by Lieutenant-Governor King,
and other officers o f the fettlement ; and the Buffalo dropped
down the harbour, that fhe *. might with more eafe prepare for her
voyage ; as it was impoffible, without having. recourfe , to punifli-
ment, to keep the people to their duty on board while lying in the
midft o f temptation in Sydney Cove.
Several gentlemen being now preparing to return to England,
having obtained the governor’s permiffion for that purpofe ;
much live flock' was fold, and a confiderable addition was made to
that belonging to the crown by the purchafe o f fome of the large
horned cattle.
The Martha, having been allowed to go to Hunter river for coals
in the beginning o f the month, on her return, having anchored in
feme very bad weather in the north part o f the harbour, Little
Manly Bay, was by the parting o f her cable driven on a reef o f
rocks, where her bottom was beat out. With the affiffance o f the
officers and crew o f the Buffalo, ffie was got off, and, being floated
with calks, was brought up to Sydney, where her damages were
found not to be irreparable. -
B y the mailer’s account it appeared, that he had not been in the
river, but in a fait Water inlet, about five leagues to the fouthward
o f the river-, having a fmall ifland at its entrance. He was conducted
by fome natives to a fpot at a fmall diftance from the mouth,
where he found abundance of coal.
Several certificates were granted during this month, to perfons
who had ferved their terms o f tranfportation; and, in order to concentrate
as much as poffible the effective ftrength o f the New South
Wales corps (which appeared to be neceffary from the turbulent
difpofition of the Iriffi prifoners), the prefence o f an officer was dif-
penfed with at the Hawkefbury. Mr. Charles Grimes, the deputy
furveyor, was appointed to refide there, and to take upon him the
duties of a juftice o f the peace.
A u g u s t . ] OF NEW SOUTH WALES. 299
Auguft.] Early in this month, the Albion whaler ran into
Broken Bay, to complete her wood and water. -She had on board
600 barrels of o il; but had not been, able, through bad weather, to
fecure more than a fourth part of the whales which they had killed.
They had Teen an iinmenfe number o f thefe filh.
A ftirvey was at this time taking o f the public ftores and provi-
fions, in order to their being delivered over to the deputy com miffary,
as Mr. Williamfon, the aCting commiffary, was about to return
in the Buffalo to England.
Toward the latter end o f the month, an attempt was made, at three
o’clock in the afternoon, to land without a permit 10 16 gallons of
wine and fpirits, which were feized at the wharf by the centinel.
I f the perfon who made this attempt had been advifed to fo incautious
and daring a proceeding, it could only have been with
a view to try the integrity o f the centinels, or the vigilance o f the
In defiance o f the various orders which had been given to enforce
a due attendance on Sunday at. divine fervice, that day ftill
continued to be marked by a negledt o f its facred duties. An order
Was again given out on the 25th, pointing out the duties of the
füperintendants, conftables, and overfeers, in. this . particular in-
ftance; and affuring them that a further negleCt on their part
would be followed by their difmiffion from their refpeClive fitua-
tions. -■
Information had fome time before this been received o f the
death of Wilfon, known among the natives by the name o f Bun-
bo-e. This young man, while a conviCt, and after he had ferved
the period o f his tranfportation, preferred the life of a vagabond to
that of an induftrious man. He had paffed the greater part o f his
time in the woods with the natives, and was fufpeCted of inftruCt-
ing them in thófe points where they could injure the fettlers with,
the greateft effeCt, and mod fafety to themfelves.' In obedience,
however, to a proclamation from the governor, he furrendered bim-
CL CL 2 felf,