The fize o f this curious and handfome bird was that o f a - common
hen; the colour a reddiih black, the bill long, the legs black
and very ftrong. The tail, about two feet, in length, was formed
of feveral feathers, two o f which were the principal, having-the interior
fides fcalloped alternately o f a deeper or lighter reddifh brown
inclining to orange, Ihading gently into a white or filver colour
next the ftem, croffing each other, and at the very extremity terminating
in a broad- black round finiflring. The difference o f colour
in the fcallops did not proceed from any precife change in the colour
itfelf, but from the texture o f the feather, which was alternately
thicker and thinner. The fibres o f the outer fide o f the ftem
were narrow and o f a lead colour. Two other feathers o f equal
length, and of a blueifh or lead colour, lay within thofe ; very narrow,
and having fibres only on one fide o f the ftem. Many other
feathers of the fame length lay within thofe again, which were o f a
pale greyilh colour, and of the moft delicate texture, refembling
more the fkeleton o f a feather than a perfect one. The annexed
E n g r a v in g , from the pencil o f a capital artift, will give a
better idea o f this beautiful bird than can be formed from any
A general mufter took place on the 14th in every diftrid o f the
colony, at which every labouring man, whether free or convid,
was obliged to appear. On the following morning the fettlers were
called over, previous to which, the governor, who was prefent,
informed them, that he had heard o f much difcontent prevailing
among them in confequence o f certain heavy grievances which they
faid they laboured under. For thefe, as he was unacquainted with
the nature o f them, he was unable to fuggeft any remedy; he
therefore defired that they might be reprefented to him in writing ;
and, to.fpare them as much trouble as poflible, he would dired two
gentlemen on whom he had much dependence to vifit the different.
diftrids,and colled from the refpedive fettlers fuch of their diftrefles
and grievances as they were defirous o f making known. Before