refufing to be fed by any but one particular perfon. Among the
natives it was an objedt o f wonder and fear* as they could never be
-prevailed upon to go near it. They aflerted, that it would carry
off a middling-fized kangooroo. Captain Waterhoufe hoped to
have brought it to England ; but it was one morning found to have
divided the ftrands of a rope with which it was fattened, and
efcaped. A drawing had been made o f it while in our hanite, of
which the annexed Engraving is a copy.
The Martha fchooner, having fome time back failed again to the
fouthward, returned on the 6th with a cargo o f oil and feal ikins.
The Nautilus having left fome o f her people upon Cape Barren
Ifland, it appeared by their accounts, that the moft productive
time for the feals among thofe illands was from November to May.
They ftated, that they had much fine weather during the winter
months, and met with very* little froft or fevere cold. Cape Barren
is in 4 0 ° a 6' 2 0 " S. latitude.
About this time many of the Irifh prifoners lately arrived were
affliâed with dyfenteric complaints, of which feveral died.
Much has been faid of the little indulgence to which fome o f the
fettlers were, from their own mifconduâ, entitled. An inftance
o f mifbehaviour occurred, in a defcription o f thefe people from
whom it could fcarcely have been expedted. The fettlers who
were fixed on the banks o f George’s river had formerly ferved in
the marine detachment, and afterwards in the New South Wales’
corps. B y their entreaties having prevailed upon the governor to
fupply them with fome live ftock, they were furnilhed each with a
ewe fheep, o f which they were no fooner poffeffed than they fold
them. This coming to the governor’ s knowledge, he directed
them to be feized, and inftantly returned into the flock belonging
to government. Such condudt on their part certainly precluded
them from ever foliciting fimilar afliftance again.
Accounts o f a moft alarming nature were received toward the latter
end o f the month from George’ s river and the Hawkelbury. The